A quiet start to another quiet morning. Clear skies with a little bit of haze hovering over the City while a pretty stiff breeze was blowing through. Headwinds for the first half… so riding home was more fun!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
A quiet start to another quiet morning. Clear skies with a little bit of haze hovering over the City while a pretty stiff breeze was blowing through. Headwinds for the first half… so riding home was more fun!!!
On a clear day you can see forever. And today might have been one of those days. With a bit of low-lying haze, the sunrise was delayed, but well worth the wait. A quiet start to the day… before I head back to Evanston for Day Two of “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS”
With a touch of overnight rain, it was warm & kinda damp this morning riding on wet pavement. Not my favorite thing to do… but with surprisingly warm temperatures today I felt like I “just had to” get outside to play this morning! There were still lots of hazy clouds hovering over the City, but the view over the lake was clear & orange with just a few clouds breezing through. Enjoy it now… as the forecast for tomorrow morning is 40-degrees colder than today!!! YIKES!!!
Another beautiful day… clear skies with a warm start & a forecast of upper sixties for later this afternoon. It’s hard to think that just a couple days ago we had SNOW!!! And that by looking at the calendar… we probably will again!!! But for now… maybe just today & tomorrow… SPRING IS HERE!!! Okay, just let me have this one…
Clear skies with just a couple wisps breezing through. Another quiet & warm morning along the lake… still chilly, but not too cold. Feels like Spring might be on its way!!!
So yesterday when we had clear skies… I “might have” mentioned that I prefer cloudy days so that the sun can splash color all over them. We got a bit today… a great splash of color… but then the gray clouds took over completely before the sunrise could really happen?! Guess I need to use my words more cautiously… because sometimes you get just what you asked for!!!
On a clear day… cue music here… you can see forever! Well, except for that little bit of “marine layer” cloudiness along the horizon. So nice to have a bit of a warm spell coming into Chicago for the next couple days!
Pastel clouds wafting through the sky… a bit nicer today without the chilling breeze
along the lakefront. Another beautiful start to another beautiful day!
After what seems like “months” of gray cloudy days… and an extreme cold freeze before that… it was AMAZING to get outside this morning for another sunrise bike ride. Sure, there might have been a thick layer of frost… but who cares?! It was great to finally see the sun rise again!!!
Starting a New Year… with a beautiful sunrise over Lake Michigan. So excited to see the sun as we look forward to a great year. Wishing you a year full of beautiful sunrises & bright sunny days… both realistically & metaphorically!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |