After what seems like “weeks” of cold gray skies… it was great to finally see the sun this morning! A welcome sight as we come to the end of the year. Nothing overly dramatic in terms of sunrises, but definitely rejuvenating to see sun once again!
Started my morning early at church.
This is as close as I like to get… let’s not get crazy!
Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day… The colors were pretty glorious this morning & the temps a few degrees warmer than the last week. It felt great to have a beautiful bike ride with a beautiful sunrise this morning… with one less layer than usual!
Such an amazing way to start the day. Pastel colors blowing through the city as the waves came crashing in. A chilly start… but now I’m ready for Thanksgiving at my sister’s place for PIE!!!
Such a joy to finally see the sun again this morning. Sure it was cold… about 27-degrees when I started out… but there have been far too many dark gray & dreary days in a row. I just had to get out on my bike for a beautiful sunrise. Plus, I found a new flag that someone put out by the lake that really made me SMILE!!!
Lots of clouds this morning with what I thought might be some good potential for a pretty sunrise after days of dark & dreary mornings. I was wrong. We had a hint of color… before the clouds took over… and then a little bit of drizzle started… ABORT!!! And I headed home… mwah, mwah, mwah…
Huge thanks to Rus & the crew at VILLAGE CYCLE CENTER in Old Town for fixing up my bike again. I finally got to pick it up before teaching class last night. They replaced the broken crankset parts… and did a bit of tuning-up at the same time!!! So now I’m all pumped, lubed, tightened, cranked & ready to get back to putting some good miles on my trusty steed. Thanks again Village Cycle Team!!!
Also, thanks to the TREK Bikes Warranty Program that fixed my bike for FREE!!!
This is my third TREK bike… and I’m loyal to the end.
I’m back in the saddle again… and it was well worth the wait! My bike is back, and it felt great to get out this morning for a windy & cloudy ride along the lakefront. For awhile I thought there might just be too many clouds to allow for a colored sky-show… but I was wrong! A wonderful splash of color for just a few minutes before it faded behind the clouds once more. But I still got to pedal… with new & improved, non-broken, pedaling mechanisms!!!
Well THIS can’t be good?! What started out as a creaky-squeaky sound a few days ago has now become this?! That piece is surely NOT supposed to be sticking out like that & hitting my ankle as I pedal. Plus, the right pedal is no longer level, so my ankle is twisting in a weird way with every rotation. Looks like we’re headed to the bike shop today?! I know I ride a lot & pedal hard… but this??? ouch.
It would have been an expensive $$$ repair … but apparently I’m not the first person this has happened to?! It’s actually covered under my TREK bike warranty as there is a “TREK warranty recall” of some sort?!!! So, I will be without my bike for a few days, but the repair will be FREE!!! whew…
A quiet November morning with just a few wispy clouds & a morning chill.
The last morning pedal before the time change and we Fall-back an hour overnight tonight.