Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

We’re just a week away from my favorite pottery sale of the year! After more than a year of weirdness, I’m hoping that we can get back to a little bit of “normal” with a great HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. Even if we need to stay masked & socially-distant, it will still be the perfect chance to kick-off your holiday gift shopping for everyone on your list… including yourself!

Categories: kiln firing, pottery, soda-fired

Well, it’s been a little while, as I’ve been more than a little busy… but I just realized that I never showed off my latest soda kiln after being fired. So here are some quick picks of what it looked like before I started unloading! Most of these pieces will be finding their way onto the shelves at MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW next weekend!

Categories: collaborations

And for those of you who weren’t able to make it to The Cozy Cottage…. we do have five collaboration pieces available for sale only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page! Textured picture frames by me with an original gouache painting by Mary Foster. They will be available there through Friday night… after that they will go to MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!

COLLABORATION #1 – White Flowers on a green ceramic frame.

COLLABORATION #2 – Birch Trees on a blue ceramic frame.

COLLABORATION #3 – Woodland Trail on an amber brown ceramic frame.

COLLABORATION #4 – Cozy Cottage on a green ceramic frame.

COLLABORATION #5 – Nighttime Trees on an amber brown ceramic frame.

My textured ceramic frames are 7.25″x 6″… and Mary Foster’s original gouache paintings are 3.5″x 2.5″… with a metal sawtooth hanger on the back. They are $135 each which includes packing & shipping within the contiguous US. We’re going old school ONLY on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page… so if you would like to purchase one… just be the first person to say “MINE” in the Facebook Comments section of each individual photo… NOT on the main Facebook page… and NOT here on the blog’s Comments section. I will follow-up through Facebook with more information as each painting is claimed. Happy Shopping!

Click here to go directly to my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page!

Categories: art fair, artists, ornaments, soda-fired, stamped

HUGE THANKS to everyone who made it to The Cozy Cottage Friday & Saturday! We had a great time seeing everyone… err, well their safely masked eyes & foreheads anyways?! So much fun hanging out all day with a couple of My Talented Friends. Thanks to everyone who came to The Cottage!

Also found some time to add wire rings to my newest batch of double star ornaments… getting ready for next weekend’s MY HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS HOME SHOW!!!

Mark your calendars… next Saturday 11/20 & Sunday 11/21.
More details to come…

Categories: art fair, artists

Pop-on over for THE COZY COTTAGE POP-UP…
a fun group of My Talented Friend from 10:00am-5:00pm!

4144 North Kenneth Avenue, Chicago 60641

Categories: art fair, artists, pottery

We had a great time last night for the kick-off of THE COZY COTTAGE POP-UP. Always fun hanging out with some of My Talented Friends… and meeting a lot of new ones! We’re open again today from 10:00am-5:00pm in the Cottage! Lots of fun, lots of art!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Well, here they are… all done with just a couple hours to spare! THE COZY COTTAGE POP-UP starts at 6:00pm tonight… and I can’t wait to have people see this latest batch of collaboration pieces between painter Mary Foster & myself. We had a great time working on these together for this Pop-Up Shop!

Any guesses?… Which one goes to a new home first???

Here’s the details for THE COZY COTTAGE POP-UP

Categories: art fair, artists, My Talented Friends

My Talented Friend & metalsmith Amy Taylor will be joining us tonight & tomorrow at THE COZY COTTAGE POP-UP. We’re going to be hanging out at Mary Foster’s place with a bunch of our work this weekend and would love to see you. Amy’s work is beautifully designed & well-crafted… with actual “hinges” in all the right places for extra movement & extra fun!!!

Categories: art fair, artists

One of the artists, as well as the gracious host & picture-frame-collaborator, Mary Foster has pulled together this COZY COTTAGE POP-UP at her home for everyone to enjoy. Her paintings & woodcut prints are quite colorful & wonderfully whimsical… often featuring scenes of natural settings & flowers as seen through an artist’s eyes. I hope you can swing by her Cozy Cottage to see her wonderful work… we’d love to see you there tonight or tomorrow!

Categories: art fair, artists

The kick-off of THE COZY COTTAGE POP-UP. A fun get-together with some of My Talented Friends… in Mary Foster’s cozy cottage! It will be a fun weekend pop-up and we hope you can swing by! And there “just might be” a fun little gift bag with art & yummies for the first twenty-four people!