Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, Chicago

Surprisingly warm this morning… so I had to ride! Sure, the roads were wet from overnight rain, and there was really no chance for an actual sunrise… but it still felt great getting back out on my bike for “sunrise” bike ride… no matter how gray & cloudy!

Categories: lidded jars, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

A few more pieces that came out of my recent soda kiln. These lidded jars & more will be available during my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this coming weekend! I’ve been making a lot of work getting ready for this big annual event! My favorite pottery sale of the year!

Categories: friends, mugs

Uh oh… another one bites the dust… and another one’s gone, and another one’s gone… another one bites the dust! Good thing I’m having my Holiday Home Show this weekend so Beckie can find the perfect replacement for her now “handle-less” mug!

Categories: nature, seasons

Beautiful orange hosta leaves with some golden maple leaves
spotted with raindrops.

Categories: soda-fired, stamped, textures

Just two stamped & soda-fired textures for a little TEXTURE TUESDAY! Inlaid with tenmoku glaze to make them POP!!!


Categories: flowers, nature, seasons

Looks like the last of the hydrangeas are fading & browning on the bush. Perfect for another natural Texture Tuesday!


Categories: color, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

We recently got some “real red” slip at Lillstreet. Some of the kids used it during Summer Camp, but we haven’t seen it being used much on “actual” pots! So I’m pretty intrigued & excited about how the red slip reacted in my soda kiln! I’m loving that the color stayed vibrant & red… but also has some cool flashing effects where it changed around the mug where the flames & soda hit the slip. This was just my first red slip mug… I’m sure there will be more!

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY with a bunch of mugs that came out of my latest soda kiln. These mugs will be ready & waiting on the shelves for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW next weekend. Mark your calendars to kick-off your holiday shopping… Saturday 11/20 & Sunday 11/21 from 10:00am-6:00pm.

Categories: flowers, nature

Intrigued by the gradation of golden brown leaves fading inward to fresh emerald green centers! It seems like they usually just go brown… but not this time!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Celebrating a splash of color from my latest soda firing for another Mugshot Monday! Just to prove that all soda fired mugs DON’T have to be all brown & gray!
