Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: color, platters, stamped

Bright & shiny new… and SHINY BLUE!!!
A cobalt blue stamped platter fresh outta the kiln!

If anyone in the Chicagoland area still needs a beautiful blue holiday gift, let me know. I’m sure we can figure out a time for you to swing by to pick it up!!!

Shoot me an email for more information – first come, first served!

Categories: food, friends, platters, stamped

Looks like there are some new yummies coming out of the oven! More Christmas cookies on a pretty stamped yellow plate. And if the cookies didn’t look yummy enough… SURPRISE!!!… there’s apparently a peppermint patty candy hidden inside! Thanks for the “sweet” photo Jody!

Categories: Chicago, special events

Sure, we may have a new vaccine beginning, but that doesn’t mean we’re free & clear! Let’s be diligent and beat this thing… please continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, sanitize and keep 6-feet away!!! I know it’s going to be weird with another socially-distant holiday… but let’s get through this together… by getting through it alone!!!

Categories: bowls, food

It’s cold outside, I’m working at home today and I’m down to my last S’mores Pop from MAURIE’S SWEET SHOPPE in Eureka, Illinois! Pretty good guess it’s not going to survive the day… as a quick 8-seconds in the microwave makes it all gooey & fluffy like a good s’more should be!!!

Quick thought… these S’mores Pops would make great stocking stuffers!!!

Categories: Chicago, special events

Today is a very big day for Chicago with the first of the coronavirus vaccines being administered. I know we’ve all waited anxiously for this day… but I can’t even imagine what the past year has been like for Dr. Allison Arwady. She has been so instrumental in Chicago’s efforts during this pandemic. So it was great to see her today on TV as the first vaccines were administered. I’m sure we’re all hoping this will get us back to “normal” some time soon.

And I’m also hoping that it will make Allison’s life a bit more “normal”…so she can come back to my pottery class again!!! We haven’t seen her throwing at the wheel ever since this whole thing began. I know the studio has saved my sanity through all of this… I can only imagine how much Allison needs a little “clay therapy” these days!!!

Thank You again for all you’ve done for the City of Chicago Allison!!! We all hope to see you soon… at a pottery wheel and NOT in front of a scary chart or graph!!!

Categories: holiday, pottery

With snow on the ground this morning, it’s a good reminder that Christmas is quickly upon us… and if you’re still looking for handmade gifts, there are plenty of them in MY ONLINE POTTERY STORE that would make anyone smile when they open your present. Keep in mind, we’re running out of time… so I would order today or tomorrow to make sure they arrive in time for the holidays!!!

Click here to shop online – MY ONLINE POTTERY STORE.

And yes, if you look closely in the ovals, there are a lot of pots all over my place with corresponding numbered Post-it Notes!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Sure, it was a bit chilly this morning… a couple degrees below freezing! But I was so excited to see open sky for a change, instead of the solid gray mornings we’ve been having lately! So you just put on more layers and go for it!!! And when THIS happens… it’s all worth it!!!

Categories: classes, glaze, mugs, process, production

It’s another MUGSHOT MONDAY… and to celebrate tonight my “Mugshot Mondays” students finished their 3-week class by glazing all of their mugs. And we all know that a good glazing session begins with a good waxing session! I’m not really a “fan” of glazing… ugh… but oddly, I do LOVE WAXING the bottoms?!!!

Categories: classes, mugs

Looks like my students tonight have just a little bit of glazing to do!!! It’s my MUGSHOT MONDAY mini-class at Lillstreet. Tonight’s their last night, so we gotta get our glaze on!!!

Categories: food, friends, platters, stamped

Never too soon to break into some Christmas Cookies, right?!
While decorating for Christmas it’s always good to have some sweet snacks to get you in the mood… again… and again!!! Doesn’t hurt when they’re displayed on a nice holiday green platter either! Thanks for baking & sharing Rosene!