Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: family, process, production, studio

So then THIS happened!!!
I was in the middle of a ZOOM chat with my sister & niece Taylor. They were waiting forever in line waiting for carry-out food while brainstorming for Taylor’s homework assignment. I was doing some trimming and then moved on to adding a pedestal to the bottom. I had even turned the camera around so that they could watch. A little pottery demo for them while they waited!

So I had explained trimming, scored & slipped & added a lump of clay to the bottom and was throwing a pedestal foot on the bottom. We even talked about my Giffin Grip and how well it held everything in place. We were chatting. Talking… and I couldn’t find my small red rib to smooth it out?! So I stood up to reach across my table to grab a new rib from the tool wall. You can see it coming, right?…

Well, the wheel was still spinning. I stood up. My shorts got caught on the wet & sticky freshly-thrown pedestal, stuck on and spun around a few times… effectively yanking the whole piece right out of the Giffin Grip… hurling it to the floor!!! With Jen & Taylor still on the ZOOM!!! ugh.

Luckily, the piece is part of a commission and I had made an extra one!!! But I didn’t feel quite safe “giving up” on the extra one so soon in the process… so I threw another one just in case. Just gotta stamp it, trim it, add a pedestal… and hope that the original lid might possibly still fit?!!! Fingers crossed… and another great ZOOM story!!! Eventually I’ll figure it out…

Categories: process, production, studio, tools

Another night of trimming. Spinning fast in the studio. Enjoying my new trimming tools from DiamondCore Tools. Nice & sharp, making wonderful ribbons just peel right off!

Categories: artists, cirque du soleil, creativity

Another weekly installment from Cirque du Soleil.
Something fun to watch today with your Mom…
as they take you behind the scenes of LUZIA.

One of my favorite shows based on a creative journey through Mexico. The colors, costumes & music are wonderful. Not to mention that magical rain curtain that draws pictures, the dress that actually blooms right in front of you while she sings, or the beautiful red papel picado curtain tube! So much fun to see the creative process as they design & build such a lavish show!

Click here to watch LUZIA “Behind The Curtain” on Facebook.

This same “Behind The Curtain Special” is on then LUZIA DVD if you ever want to see it again!

Categories: flowers, mosaic, nature

It was such a beautiful day today, so after my “surprise walk” and my frozen custard treat, I hopped on my bike for a little afternoon biking adventure through a few “new-to-me” neighborhoods around my ‘hood, and then back to the lakefront before heading home!

When it’s so beautiful outside, you’ve gotta grab it while you can!

Categories: food, friends

One of the highlights of my “surprise walk” was running into Team Lavender!!!

Two of my pottery students from Lillstreet. Jacob & Molly have been in my classes for quite awhile, most recently the Lillstreet Throwdown class… twice! We’ve even celebrated some momentous occasions with them in my class… engagement, wedding, baby shower!!! And now they’ve recently moved into my neighborhood and we just happened to cross paths today. It was great to see some Lillstreet friends again during quarantine! We even had our own socially-distant “hug”!!!

But then THIS was all their fault… they were eating frozen custard from Lickety Split. And I couldn’t get it out of my head… so this yummy indulgence was all their fault!!! Not mine.

Categories: friends, murals, nature

Today I was surprised by my doorbell… who expects a doorbell when everyone is self-isolating still?! Well, not me.

But it was a wonderful surprise to find Pam & Carla downstairs just to say hello! They were on a socially-distant & face-masked walk… so I went out with them as it was such a beautiful Spring day! A surprise afternoon with friends!

Just what I needed today.

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Just one of the vases included in this first “installment” of my online pottery sale. Sometimes you just need to see a vase with flowers to picture its full beauty & potential. BYOL… bring your own lilacs!

Categories: art fair

Okay, so here we go…
With art fairs being cancelled left & right, we’re all figuring out different ways to get our work out there. You know I LOVE art fairs… but desperate times call for desperate measures! So I’ve created a little online pottery store on my website. Nothing hi-tech, we’re staying old-school. Just a bunch of pieces & photos with a short descriptions.

Click here to go to the Online Pottery Shopping!

If you see something you want, shoot me an e-mail to claim it and I’ll remove it from the website selection. First come, first-served. Full details on my blog. And then in the next few days I’ll start replenishing the “store” as pieces get shipped out. We’ll see how this goes… my fingers are crossed… it’s a learning curve for all of us, so please be patient!

You can also find the Online Pottery Shopping by clicking on the Page in the top right corner of my blog!

Categories: bowls, mugs, pitchers, pottery, soda-fired, vases

So this first “batch” of pottery is all separated, photographed, numbered and ready-to-go… mugs, bowls, vases, pitchers, teapots, berry bowls and more! It’s going to be first-come-first served… so grab ’em as you can! And then I’ll continue to replenish as some of these pieces get shipped out. More details coming VERY soon!

Categories: art fair, bowls, pottery

Working through a lot of pieces over the past couple days… taking pictures, making measurements, getting ready to post ’em online. Like this assortment of bowls in different sizes & colors! Online shopping information coming VERY SOON!!!