Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, patterns, process, production, sgraffito, tools

I just found two bowls that I made “awhile” back, and painted the interior with colored slip. I wrapped them up in plastic… and then apparently forgot about them. And it’s been “quite’ awhile… so they were harder & drier than I would like them to be. But with my one of my extra-sharp DiamondCore Tools they still carved like a dream!

Categories: bowls, process, production, wheelthrowing

You know how I love making mugs… but I figure Spring has got to get here
at some point, so I better be ready with some Berry Bowls! So I threw my first batch…
of something “other than” mugs!!! Ha!!!

Categories: clay, production, studio

Wedged balls of clay… filled with potential… oh, what to make???
Ummm… something other than mugs maybe???

Categories: seasons, weather

A frosted start to the morning.


Categories: mugs, summer camp

So I just got my schedule for Summer Camp 2019 at Lillstreet Art Center.
Excited that we’ve confirmed schedules as it makes me feel like Summer may not be all that far away?! Also excited that two of my favorite Summer Campers are already checking the camp schedules to see which ones they’re going to take this summer… over a cup of tea… tea for two!!!

JUNE 17th-21th – Wheelthrowing – 9:00am-1:00pm

JULY 8th-12th – Sculptures Big to Small – 9:00am-3:30pm

JULY 15th-19th – Chess Camp – 9:00am-3:30pm

AUGUST 5th-9th – Fire, Forge & Feast – 9:00am-3:30pm

AUGUST 12th-16th – Sculptures Big to Small – 9:00am-3:30pm

AUGUST 19th-23rd – Wheelthrowing – 9:00am-1:00pm

Click on the link here for more information & registration.

Categories: stamped, textures, vases

Painting more flashing slip accents… this time on some textured square vases!
They’re currently laying down… but once this side sets-up a bit, I’ll stand them up
and slip paint the other side which has a different texture “picture” all together.

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped


Just finishing another batch of mugs for MUGSHOT MONDAY…
adding some colored flashing slip accents! If all goes as planned, these slip colors
will change dramatically during the soda-firing!



Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

Another night of stamping. Another night of making mugs… my favorite.
Lots of stamping. Lots of patterns. Lots of repetition!!!
So now they’re stamped… tomorrow I plan on adding handles & colored flashing slip!

Mug One

Mug Two

Mug Three

Mug Four

Mug Five

Mug Six

Mug Seven

Mug Eight

Mug Nine

Mug Ten … whoops, I forgot to get a shot of the stamps???


Mug Eleven … again, really???…  I forgot to get a shot of the stamps again???

And then to make matters even worse… I forgot to take photos of Mug Twelve all together!!!


Categories: bowls, lillstreet, special events

Last night was another successful EMPTY BOWLS fundraiser at Lillstreet…
raising lots of money for First Slice to help feed the hungry.
And while lots of people picked their bowls… others picked their…

Categories: classes, process, production

After tackling their wheelthrown spheres, we stuck with the geometric vibe, but switched over to handbuilding. And their next challenge was to handbuild a “perfect” cube… minimum of 4-inch wide. With only a half hour to finish it… they had to work fast with a dedicated plan. Many of them realized quickly that freshly thrown slabs aren’t as rigid as they would have hoped for. But they all perservered… along with some “structures” to help hold up their walls as they forged ahead. They were all a little “iffy” as the start… but quite impressive when they all came together in the final minutes!!!

For some reason, Patti & Jon decided to work together… which was adorable… but they only made ONE cube?! Not quite right… my thinking was each person should make a cube… so it makes sense that two people should make two cubes, right?

Sheesh… look at that craftsmanship… nice sharp corners there Jacob!

At the end of the thirty minutes, we had a table full of square cubes. Some had curved corners. Some were sagging a bit in the middle. All of them were pretty well assembled considering the time constraint.

And again, look at the sharp corners that Jacob had on his winning cube!
He was in the TOP TWO along with our “token” handbuilder Donna!


