Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Here’s to hoping everyone had a safe & fantastic PUMPKIN DAY today!!!
Lots of tricks & lots of treats. Happy Halloween everybody!!!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

Might be a smidge harder to glaze “in the dark”…
but the dramatic task lighting I’ve set up sure does make for some nice contrasts
when the mugs start lining up!

Categories: glaze, process, production

Painting & filling the stamped impressions with a dark tenmoku glaze, and then wiping off the high surfaces to reveal a great contrast for the stamped design. I kinda feel like The Karate Kid… glaze on, glaze off… glaze on, glaze off.

Categories: glaze, process, production, studio

Still no working ceiling light fixture in my studio…
so glazing “in the dark” tonight ought to be interesting, huh?!!!

Categories: classes, tools

Last night in class we discussed some surface decoration techniques… stamping, colored slip, slip trialing, sgraffito, sprigs, more colored slip and carving. I shared my love of Diamond Core Tools with my class… and let them all give them a try. They too loved how sharp they are and how they create such clean & sharp edges!

Categories: classes, food, holiday

I have the “sweetest” students… especially when they make sweet sugar cookies for class!!!
And the fact that they were Halloween pumpkins made them even SWEETER!!!

Thanks Dan for sharing the sugar!!!

Categories: classes, holiday

Last night in my pottery class we had a bit of pre-Halloween fun with trick-or-treat goodie bags that I made up for my students. Filled with candy, toys, trinkets, pottery tools.. and one special bag had a Pumpkin from the GHOULS COLLECTION!!! Congrats to Catherine for picking that lucky bag!!!

Categories: kiln firing, production

Another quick bisque kiln… not my tightest packed kiln, but I’m racing towards my next soda kiln! Trying to crank out enough work to fill the kiln to get ready for my Holiday Home Show which is coming up in just over two short weeks!!! Always the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving!!!

Kiln Layer 1 – bowls & mugs

Kiln Layer 2 – bowls, mugs & oval vases

Kiln Layer 3 – oil lamps, & mugs

Kiln Layer 4 – oil lamps & oval vases

Fire fast… cuz’ I gotta get some glazing on!!!


Categories: mugs, porcelain, production, stamped

Another Mugshot Monday!!! And another batch of mugs…
this time in PORCELAIN!!!

I love making mugs… and when I don’t quite know what to make…
it seems like I always “default” to MUGS!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

A beautiful start to the day with one large cloud moving in…
that eventually overtook the sky before the sun made its sunrise appearance.