One of the most frequent questions asked at every art fair, including this weekend…
“How long does it take to make this?”
And there’s never an easy answer. I try to explain that it is a “process” and that
I frequently have several pieces all going at the same time, at different stages
in the process. This season I’ve created a picture postcard to handout at the art fairs
to help illustrate the pottery process in just 12 easy steps! Here’s quick preview…
1. Wedging
2. Throwing
3. Stamping
4. Trimming
5. Attaching
6. Slip Decorating
7. Bisque Firing
8. Glazing
9. Kiln Loading
10. Firing.
11. Admiring
12. Marketing
As for marketing… no one’s going to do it for you if you don’t do it for yourself.
Luckily, I have many years of corporate retail advertising & marketing experience
prior to my pottery career. I think that experience definitely helps any artist
who is trying to make a go of it as a full-time, self-supporting artist.
For a more informative description of the complete “process,” be sure to check out
the “Pottery Process” page on this website – see the top right corner to find the tab!