Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair

It was a wonderful, fall weekend in Barrington. And a great time to sell art in the Barn!!

This past weekend was “Art In The Barn” Art Fair in Barrington, Illinois. It was fun selling art & seeing a lot of familiar faces… including a few former co-workers from my previous corporate life! I also had the honor of having a double-booth this time – my “prize” for being on of the Top 10 Selling Artists last year! It was another successful weekend – with lots of sales. It was by far my best outdoor art fair ever! Who knows?… if I’m lucky, I might just get a free double-booth again next year?

The double-booth gave me more room to spread out, show some extra work & room to chat with customers without feeling too crowded in the booth.

To make the weekend even better, I also had two great artist “neighbors.” My jeweler friend Molly Bitters was on one side, and a new photographer, Brad Pogatetz, was on the other. Both of them are very talented in their craft. And I came home with some new jewelry from Molly… after a little art fair “trading”!

It was a nice way to kick-off the fall season, complete with pumpkins, gourds, mums & hay bales… and a little art thrown in here & there. And a special thank you to everyone who came out to play this weekend… to shop… to chat… to hang out in the Barn.

Categories: inspiration, nature, photography
Categories: art fair, production, studio

With fall right around the corner, my studio pumpkin patch is almost ready to “harvest.”
Hopefully in time for the art fair this coming weekend?!

Art In The Barn – September 27th & 28th
On the grounds of Good Shepherd Advocate Hospital in Barrington.
On Route 22 west of Route 59.

Categories: gallery, pottery, studio

Just two weeks from today…
The gallery opening of “Collective Conversations In Clay” at Lillstreet Art Center.
A collaborative show where five sets of ceramic artists create their own piece for the show – as well as finishing a piece of their collaborative partner. Emily Murphy and I are right on schedule with two weeks to go. My pieces are stamped. My collaboration/traded pieces are stamped… just waiting to be glazed, fired and installed in the gallery.
Here’s a sneak peek…

Collective Conversations In Clay
Opening Reception – Saturday, October 4th, 2008
– 4:00-7:00pm
Lillstreet Art Center Gallery – 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago

For more information:

Hope to see you there…

Categories: inspiration, studio

Someone asked me last night what I was listening to on my iPod while I was glazing. It occurred to me that I’m frequently listening to the same music. My “default” music I like to call it. The music I listen to if nothing else strikes me at the time. And it seems that it’s always on – on my iPod, in the studio and at home!

Okay, so here goes my musical confession… I’m a huge Cirque du Soleil groupie – and my “default” music is always the soundtrack from the various Cirque shows. When I saw my first Cirque du Soleil show Alegria, I was instantly mesmerized by the music – and have been musically entranced ever since.

So I thought I would offer up a listing my Top Ten favorite Cirque du Soleil songs… but then it became twenty… and then thirty… and I had to end it at thirty-five?! I’m not so good with limits…

Here’s my list in alphabetical order… I wanted to prioritize them, but I started to drive myself crazy!

Alegria – Alegria
Alone – Delirium
Ballare – Dralion
Bello Amore – Zumanity
Bolero – Nouvelle Experience
Bridge of Sorrow – Delirium
Carrousel – Quidam
El Cielo Sabra – Corteo
El Pendulo – Varekai
If I Could Reach Your Heart – Ka
Journey Of Man – Journey Of Man
Kero Hireyo – Varekai
Koudamare – Ka
Kumbalawe – Saltimbanco
La Nova Alegria – Delirium
Let Me Fall – Quidam
Marelle – Quidam
Mio Bello Bello Amore – Zumanity
Miracula Aeternitatis – Dralion
Movimento – Varekai
Mutationis – Varekai
O Makunde – Ka
Ombra – Dralion
Querer – Alegria
Quidam – Quidam
Sans Toi – Delirium
Stella Errans – Dralion
Sun Drum Fun – Varekai
Vai Vedrai – Alegria
Valsapena – Alegria
Vocea – Varekai
Volo Volando – Corteo
We’ve Been Waiting So Long – Ka
Zydeko – Quidam

And because I like it so much… there’s another version that also makes my list…
Alegria – Alegria: The Film

Categories: gallery, pottery

With just one month to go… it’s time for a little “conversation in clay.”

Eight ceramic artists will be working together to have a long “conversation.”
Five artists invited five other artists to collaborate with them in the project.
Each pair of artists will have their own “conversation” and work together to finish their pieces.

So here’s how it works… each artist will create two similar pieces. The artist will finish one of them in their own signature style. The second one goes to their collaborating “partner” who will finish that piece in their signature style. Emily Murphy and I will be working together to create our own “conversation in clay.” So I will finish one of my one pieces and one of her pieces… while she will finish one of her’s and one of mine!

Opening Reception at Lillstreet Art Center Gallery – Saturday, October 4th.
4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois –

More details to come… and “conversations” to be had…

Categories: pottery, production, stamps

It was a wonderful three-day weekend in Chicago.
Not only was the weather incredible – sunny & warm with a nice cool breeze off the lake.
Possibly the nicest weather weekend all summer in Chicago?!

It was a great chance to relax, bike a lot of miles, play along the lakefront and spend some quality production time in the studio. So I thought it might be a good chance to show you a bit of my studio. A lot of tools and a lot of pots. With a little stamping along the way…