Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, wheelthrowing

For subbing Lisa’s class, I like to do “demo-on-demand “…
which means I’ll kinda do whatever they want. So today Jeannine requested some bowl finishing tricks, and Julia wanted me to “throw something too tall to put on her class shelf.” Which turns out to be about 12-inches. So I did four quick bowls, threw a tall vase with just four pulls, decorated the bowls… and then chatted & solved all of the problems of the pottery world. As always, a fun class to sub for!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery

Early morning Day Two!!! The sun is shining and I’m restocking shelves for another fun day at my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. We’re open from 10:00-6:00 today with lots of pots looking to become someone’s favorite holiday gift!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery

A very successful Day One for the HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!! Very festive. Very fun.
Looking forward to another great day tomorrow from 10:00am-6:00pm… c’mon by… c’mon buy!!!

Categories: kiln firing, pottery

Well, here it is… my fired soda kiln last night waiting to be unloaded.
So much fun taking it apart shelf by shelf, brick-by-brick… finding tons of treasures
along the way! To see everything that was inside, you’ll need to come
to my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this weekend!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

Hard to believe that my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW is already next weekend!!!
Kilns are cooling… shelves going up… halls are being decked… and you’re all invited!!!
Next Saturday & Sunday from 10:00am-6:00pm with pots in every room of my condo,
treats in the kitchen and the “Tired Of Shlepping Sale” on the back porch!

Categories: kiln firing, mugs, pottery, process, production

After a couple hours of “Pottery Tetris”… I finally got my soda kiln filled to the brim last night. Lots of pots & ornaments that will be coming out just in time for next weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!!

The Back Stack…

The Front Stack…

Categories: glaze, organization, process, production

My studio cart works especially well when I’m glazing & wadding for a soda kiln. When my cart is full… it pretty much equals a full kiln. So then I put these masking tape “seat belts” on the shelves so no pots can jump off during their ride down the rickety freight elevator to the kiln room.

Categories: classes, wheelthrowing

This week in my pottery class I showed my students how to throw taller cylinders… and to lift the extra clay up & away from the bottom. Then I challenged them to throw their own tallest two-pound cylinder. Looks like Jacob & Janet took it to heart, as they were pretty much neck & neck for most of their challenge!

Categories: process, production

Well, my studio cart is finally full. And I’ve found that a full studio cart pretty much equals a full soda kiln! So I’ve transported my filled cart downstairs to the kiln room via the rickety-old freight elevator. I like to put a “safety-belt” of masking tape across the shelves so nothing jumps off during the ride!

Categories: bowls, mugs, pottery, soda-fired

It’s always encouraging to see that people are actually out there USING the pottery that I make. All too often I hear that people save it, show it off, or that it’s just “too nice to use.” Well, my pottery is meant to be used!!! And I love seeing a dish drainer full of soda-fired pots drying off! Thanks Rosene for sharing your dish drainer!!