Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, lillstreet, summer camp

Okay… it seems like Summer must be SO far away as we’re still waiting for the warmth
of Spring to get here?! Go figure.
But in reality, Lillstreet Summer Camps are starting
again in just a few weeks. It’s not too late to start planning your summer and enroll your
kids in Summer Camp at Lillstreet. The following list is my schedule for the summer.
I typically only teacher the older group of kids – 8-12 years old. Some classes are geared
towards a slightly older group (aged 10-14) due to the amount of focus, creativity and
enthusiasm I’ll expect the kids to bring in. I like to push the kids to make real projects…
not just a pile of scraps, glitter & glue! So sign up soon…

June 13th – 17th – Garden Camp
It’s a full week of art projects designed to decorate your family’s garden.
Flower pots, birdhouses, lawn ornaments, totem poles and so much more!
Full-day camp from 9:00am-3:30pm

June 27th – July 1st – Wild Things!
It’s all animals, all the time! The kids will get to explore their “Wild Side” in art!
With a clay project on Monday followed by the Zoo on Tuesday – more fun all week!
Morning camp from 9:00am-1:00pm with a Field Trip to Lincoln Park Zoo on Tuesday.

July 11th – July 15th – Clay & Multimedia Camps
It’s a week of fun and assorted art projects. With clay on Monday, the rest of the week is
developed to help teach the kids new mediums & encourage them to express themselves.
Morning Session from 9:00am-1:00pm… and Afternoon Session from 1:00pm-3:30pm.

July 18th – July 22nd – Chess Camp
This camp is a LOT of work, but also a LOT of fun!
With only five days, each kid will create an entire thematic Chess Set of their own in clay!
It’s a lot of planning, creating, handbuilding & painting to make their own perfect Chess Set.
Full-day camp from 9:00am-3:30pm

July 25th – July 29th – Clay & Multimedia Camps
Another week of assorted art projects. Clay on Monday… other projects throughout the week.
It’s up to the kids to help decide on what we’re making – and always a chance of tie-dye!
Morning Session from 9:00am-1:00pm… and Afternoon Session from 1:00pm-3:30pm.

August 1st – August 5th – Forge, Fire & Feast
It’s a combination week of clay & metal. The kids will design their own dinnerware sets,
and then set about to create it during the week. Monday & Tuesday are for clay plates, bowls,
cups & more. Wednesday & Thursday are focused on metal for knives, forks & spoons.
Friday it all comes together and we celebrate with a big potluck lunch using their newly
created dinnerware sets! It’s a lot of work, but a lot of fun & accomplishment… plus, we’ll
all get to play with Pam Robinson who run the Lillstreet Metals Program!
Full-day camp from 9:00am-3:30pm

August 8th – August 12th – Chess Camp
For those who couldn’t make it for the first week of Chess Camp… here’s another opportunity.
Same exciting projects… new kids, new themes. Always an exciting week of kids & creativity.
Full-day camp from 9:00am-3:30pm

August 15th – August 19th – Masters Camp
New this year, we’re expanding on of my favorite topics to a full-day camp. We’ll spend the
week focusing on famous artists. The kids will learn a little art history along the way, and
create their art “in the style of” assorted famous artists. This camp also includes a Field Trip
to the Chicago Art Institute… and hopefully a gallery show at the end of the week.
Full-day camp from 9:00am-3:30pm

Registration is already open for all Summer Camps. Sign up early before my camps fill up!
It’s going to be a fun summer for everyone.. lots of art, fun & laughter!
Stop in at Lillstreet Art Center – or register online at

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Registration is currently open for the Early Summer & Summer Sessions.
Confusing, huh? Well, let me explain it quickly for you. We’re currently in the Spring
session. Then, we have a 4-week session during June. Followed by an 8-week session
in July & August. Sign up now… in person, by phone or online at

And just a quick FYI… my classes will typically fill up quickly. Don’t put it off too long
and then find you can’t get in. Join the fun… sign up today!

Early Summer: Surface Decoration for Advanced Beginners
Take a four-week creative adventure to add style, design, and personalization to your
basic pots and transform them into one-of-a-kind masterpieces.  The assumption is
that you have basic throwing skills, so the focus each week is on different decorative
techniques, including stamping and springs, slip painting and sgraffito, as well as
altering, carving and making attachments and handles.
June 7th-June 28th – 4-weeks – Tuesday Nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm

Summer Session: Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing
Explore the mystery of the potter’s wheel as you develop the fundamental techniques
of throwing a pot. Learn to center, throw, and trim a variety of functional forms
including cups, bowls, and plates.  Returning students will continue to refine techniques
and create more complex forms. And I’m always up for a challenge!
July 12th- August 30th – 8-weeks – Tuesday Nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm

Categories: inspiration, lillstreet

So while I was frustrated & panicked about my kiln in shut-down mode…
I noticed a student’s pot sitting on the red “Reject Shelf.” Never a good place
to find your prized possession. Typically there’s a reason it’s there.
The staff kiln loaders have pulled it out before going into the kiln.
Some for a very obvious reason, others need a closer look. But today I saw
this pot sitting on the “Reject Shelf” and I found it oddly prophetic…
especially with my current kiln firing dilemma!

Categories: artists, friends, lillstreet

Each year, Lillstreet Art Center brings in a couple people for their Artist In Residence Program.
Tonight I stopped into the metalsmithing room on my way out since I heard people talking
and I heard Sarah Chapman’s voice. While there, the current metalsmithing Resident Artist
was chatting… and Sarah suggested that she show me her latest piece. WHICH IS CRAZY!!!

Apparently, Michelle has a lot time on her hands… which “puzzles” me. But in a good way.
I love crazy, eccentric artists. So she etched the brass and handcut each of the puzzle pieces.
Twenty pieces down one side, by 17 pieces the other way… that’s 340 puzzle pieces to make
her handmade, etched map of the Chicago Transit system. Keep in mind that this entire
puzzle is made out of a single sheet of metal and measures only 6-1/2″ x 8″.

So glad I decided to stop into the Metals Room… otherwise I would have missed out on
seeing Michelle’s latest puzzle masterpiece. Such patience. Such precision.
To see more of Michelle’s work, click on –

Yikes… and pay no attention to my overly dried out finger tips from a long night
of throwing bowls. Looks like a little lotion is needed… but still, that’s a small puzzle piece!

Categories: classes, lillstreet, process

Well, it’s Week #4 of the Spring Session at Lillstreet Art Center.
And most of my beginners are doing great… and those who aren’t,
are at least doing good and having a great time! So that counts for something, right?!

Tonight was “bowl night” in class and I demo’d how to make bowls on purpose
instead of a cylinder-gone-bad-and-oops-there-it-is-now-a-bowl. As we make the bowls,
I also encourage my students to design, alter & be creative with their bowls. Sure,
they need to make the typical round bowl. But I also like to open their eyes to some
of the other possibilities. There are a LOT of round bowls out there… why not express
yourself a bit to make that round bowl something special?! So, as part of the demo,
I threw ten “practically identical” bowls and then showed them how to do some quick
alterations, and introduced them to the world of colored slips! By the end of the demo,
the ten bowls were each very DIFFERENT bowls… and quick too!

Bowl #1: Plain — Bowl #2: Fluted rim edges

Bowl #3: Flared flange — Bowl #4: Flared & fluted flange

Bowl #5: Split rim & pinched — Bowl #6: Split rim, pinched & squared

Bowl #7: Flower impression — Bowl #8: White slip spiral

Bowl #9: White slip squiggles & line — Bowl #10: White slip chattered

Every time I do the bowls demo, for some reason every one is impressed by the ease and
simplicity of the little flower impression in the bottom of this bowl. A lot of people assume
that it’s a stamp… but instead, it a few impressions with a simple metal tool to create the
flower. I think I got the tool for a couple bucks at Chinese Clay Art. It always makes a
great “surprise” for someone eating out of the bowl when they get down to the bottom!

So there they are… bunches of bowls ready to set-up for the night, dry to leather-hard,
maybe some stamping, then some trimming before they head off to a bisque kiln.

Categories: classes, lillstreet, stamps

So we’re in the third week of our new Spring Classes at Lillstreet Art Center.
And my “beginners” are progressing nicely. They’ve tackled the basics of wedging
and centering, basic cylinders and trimming. So tonight we pushed on a little further.
With their new “cylinders with shape,” we trimmed and then learned how to pull
and add handles to make mugs. They’re first mugs ever!!! And it’s only Week Three!

Plus, you know I like stamps… so why not encourage my students to make their own?!
And they did… we sat around the table and discussed stamps, textures, patterns and the
importance of “making their own mark” in the pottery. More fun to come once they’re bisqued.

And snacks… did I mention snacks? We may not have the professional pastry chefs
this session, but we do have some fine snack-makers! Last week we had some brownies
with cheesecake & peanut butter chunks in it from Hanna, plus a wonderful bag of
Garrett’s Chicago Mix Popcorn! My favorite… and SO addicting!!! Tonight we had a
wonderful Strawberry Margarita Frozen Pie Concoction from Sido & Will. So in between
making mugs & stamps… there’s always time for a few snacks!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

So tonight was the first night of the new Spring Session at Lillstreet Art Center.
I’ve got another great group of wheelthrowing beginners… and some returning students!
Sadly, not a single pastry chef in the bunch. I think I got spoiled last session with so many
great treats every week. I threw out the “treats challenge” tonight…
we’ll see if they got the hint.

Oh, but wait… mid-way through class, Sido “ratted-out” her friend Cate by telling me that
Cate’s first job was making French pastries. Wait?… back it up. Okay, so maybe she’s not a
“working chef”… but who cares if she can make good treats? Sido told me all about some
incredibly decadent chocolate layer cake concoction that Cate has made before. Yummy…
Something about chocolate cake, chocolate cheesecake, chocolate mouse, caramel,
hazelnuts, cake, more layers, more chocolate, ganache, more mousse, more, more, more…
all wrapped in chocolate ganache and coated with some kind of yumminess crumble.

I’m in.
Maybe I need to be less subtle next week?…

Categories: lillstreet, pottery
And by the way…
if you go to the Lillstreet website to read more about Empty Bowls…
you’ll see a stack of soda-fired bowls that are MINE!!! My pots have become the
“poster child” for the annual Empty Bowls Benefit. The bowls were created especially
for a Soda Firing Workshop with Australian potter Gail Nichols that I participated in
up at the Northern Clay Center in Minneapolis a few years ago! Very fun!

Categories: lillstreet, special events

Hundreds of Empty Bowls are up for grabs this Friday at “Empty Bowls.”
With handmade bowls being donated by students, teachers, studio members
and more, this annual event is sure to be a success again this year! I will be pulling
together a selection of my own bowls to donate towards the cause tomorrow.
So plan on stopping by Lillstreet Art Center this Friday night. Look through
hundreds of bowls, choose your favorites, buy them and fill them with soup!
It’s that easy… doing good for the hungry all around Chicago.

“EMPTY BOWLS” at Lillstreet Art Center
4401 North Ravenswood, at Montrose, Chicago, Illinois 60640
Friday, March 25, 2011, 5-9pm

The Empty Bowls Project is a nationwide effort by potters to end hunger.
Lillstreet Art Center is proud to host this 5th annual event to benefit First Slice,
a local hunger-fighting organization. Stop by for a modest meal of soup and bread,
served in a bowl donated by a ceramic artist that you may take home as a reminder
of all the other bowls you will have helped to fill. Bowls are $25 each, and there is
no limit to the number of bowls you may purchase. Sales begin at 5pm on a first-come,
first-served basis. There will also be a silent auction of artist-crafted items.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Tonight was the final potluck celebration for my Beginning Wheel class.
Yes, after 10-weeks of clay fun, my beginners have all progressed quite nicely
and are now creating their own pots. We celebrated with a mug exchange… where
each student brought in a mug they had made and we did an “White Elephant” type
exchange game. So everyone who brought a mug went home with someone else’s mug!
Great fun… with a lot of sharing, encouragement & sharing!

But then… the highlight of the night???… a LOT of great food!!!
Yes, after weeks of some of the best class treats ever, this potluck did not fall short.
With pasta, spinach salad, homemade guacamole, chips, salsa, brownies, cookies,
caprese salad, scalloped potatoes, fresh fruit, Olivia’s sinful chocolate fudge creations
and possibly the best pasta we’ve ever had at a potluck. Yep, chef #1 brought in a dish
of whole wheat pasta with a pumpkin, goat cheese & sage sauce with spicy andouille sausage!

And what better end to the night than a slice of my homemade vanilla cheesecake
literally dripping in caramel sauce?! I’m just saying…