Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, food, friends, mugs

Even though it wasn’t Wheaties… it still looks like it was a Breakfast Of Champions down in Peoria for my friends Gerry & Rosene! Enjoying their morning routine before heading out to work in their amazing garden! Trying to keep a little bit of “normal” in their everyday lives!

Categories: food, friends

Imagine my surprise & quiet giggle when I found a box waiting for me outside my door tonight when I got home from the studio. After feeling so “isolated” lately, it was WONDERFUL to find a care package waiting at home for me! And what better surprise than a hunk of homemade chocolate fudge & some “turtles”… better known as Frogs down in Central Illinois.

What a great gift from my college friends Keith & Julie… from a cute little candy shop that Keith has recently opened in Eureka, Illinois to bring a sense of nostalgia, a sweet diversion & a great place for some special needs employees to work their magic! Unfortunately, shortly after they had their Grand Opening they also had to shut-down for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Be sure to check out MAURIES CANDIES if you’re ever driving through Central Illinois… whenever we can actually get outside to go anywhere?!!!

You can follow them on Facebook by clicking here
or click on this link for some more background on Mauries, my friend Keith McArdle, and the service they’re providing to the community!

Categories: food, friends

Just gearing up for “Pizza Night” with some friends!!! Sure, it’s on ZOOM… not quite the same… but I’ll take an evening with friends any time anywhere… and pizza too!!!

Not quite the same ambience as in the restaurant… when your laptop has now become your table companion?!

Categories: friends, mugs, tiles

Looks like one on this week’s MUG-SHOP MONDAY mugs has arrived safe & sound! Just in time to brighten another Saturday of “sheltering-at-home”!!! Thanks again Julie!

Categories: flowers, friends, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Looks like my friend Tiffany made it outside to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather & some Spring flowers… well, she was still safely “sheltering-at-home” as brought her own flowers out to her front porch. A safe hangout spot with good distance from anyone… and a nice BYOV.

BYOV : Bring Your Own Vase…
which just so happens to have been made by you-know-who!!!

Categories: friends

So I just got a wonderful phone call from an old high school friend that I haven’t talked too for years! Funny how a crisis like this can affect people in different ways… and can inspire people to get in touch with others! She said she’s been thinking about me a lot lately… so she called! We talked for well over an hour, got all caught up on life & family… and it felt as though no time has passed at all. Amazing how good friendships can do that. All caught up. Made me smile. Felt the love. Thanks Anna for making my day! You’re an amazing friend!

So here’s my challenge for all of you sequestered out there…

Even if it’s been years… her phone call made MY day,
so now you should go out and make someone else’s day.
Pay it forward… or in this case, CALL IT FORWARD.

Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends, sculpture

Two AMAZING sculptural metal wall pieces by Darlys Ewoldt… hollow constructed forms with amazing color & patina surfaces. Just one of the talented artists at the Pop-Up Gallery Show this weekend at Space 900 in Evanston.

Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends, sculpture

Just a couple of Sarah Chapman’s sculptural wall pieces… each with an actual pendant necklace that works into it now… but can easily be taken off to wear out as a piece of jewelry!!!

Categories: friends, sunrise

It was a beautiful sunrise this morning… and I just LOVE that some of my wonderful “followers” thinks of ME when they see a beautiful sunrise. Ha!!! So much so that they sent me a photo of the view from their window… with one of my flower pots waiting for the sun to come up further to make that plant even happier!

Thank you Sheila for sharing your view this morning!

Categories: friends, holiday, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

HAPPY MUGSHOT MONDAY… with Instagram greetings from friends in Colorado who were apparently snuggling down on a cold Winter’s night with a mug of something frothy & yummy! Thanks for sharing Kristin & Camden!