Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: friends, nature

A couple of my friends went hiking today up at Illinois Beach State Park on a quest to find their “fortune.” I’m sure it was a little tougher now with a covering of snow! Thanks for playing Allison & Terry… and for sharing your new collection & adventures in the snow!

Six found, fifteen more to go!!!… or maybe some other cookies have been found already?! Or some may have been washed out into the Lake… waiting to be washed back in?! Either way, I hope finding a fortune cookie out in nature brings a smile to whoever it is!!! A smile AND good fortune!!!

Categories: family, friends, holiday

As I spend another socially-distant holiday by myself today, it is nice to reminisce and be thankful for the FAMILY you have surrounding you… whether in person or not. It’s been such a trying time for so many families this year… and I am SO THANKFUL for the “family” I have surrounding & supporting me.

Happy Holidays to all of you… my “online family”!
I hope you all stay safe, healthy & happy through this socially-distant holiday season… and that 2021 becomes much better that 2020!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, My Talented Friends

Here’s a great video tour of my friend & multi-talented friend Sarah Chapman in her metals studio in Minneapolis!

Click on this link for the Instagram video!

This past weekend should have been the big “One Of A Kind Show” here in Chicago, but with all of the craziness going on they’ve gone virtual too. Trying everything they can to help promote their artists. So take the tour of her beautiful space where she makes her beautiful work!

If you want to see more of her beautiful work, or to buy a special holiday gift, click here for her website!

Categories: food, friends

My friends Keith & Julie are now running a fun candy shop in Eureka, Illinois… and I felt like I had found a Golden Ticket when I got to play in the kitchen with them all day making sweet treats on Sunday!!! Imagine ME in a candy store surrounded with sweets, marshmallows and a never-ending swirl of tempered chocolate!!!

MAURIE’S SUGAR SHOPPE was a longtime favorite in Pekin, Illinois. Sadly that location closed years ago, and now the tradition has been brought back… this time in Eureka, Illinois! Same recipes, yummy treats, updated goodies… and the BEST caramel apples anywhere!!!

Be sure to FOLLOW them on Facebook… click here

Or you can get a quick “sweet” fix on Instagram… click here!

Categories: art fair, family, friends

Not only was it AMAZING to see so many loyal customers, fans, followers & art fair patrons this past weekend… but I also had a few wonderful surprise visits as well.

Molly & Jacob stopped by with little Benjamin! Just three weeks old and only five pounds tiny!!! A bit of a preemie making huge gains and growing quickly. Also known as “Team Lavender” to many Lillstreeters… Molly & Jacob have been in several of my classes including two “seasons” of The Great Lillstreet Throwdown! You may remember… we helped them make all of the vases for the wedding reception during “Season One”. And then made surprise baby blocks for them during “Season Two!”

At one point I had another visitor to my booth who stopped by and quietly looed around… and then left. He looked familiar, but hard to identify with mask, sunglasses & bald head. When he stepped back in a minute later, he said “You didn’t recognize me, did you?” It was only when I heard his voice that I realized it was my older cousin David… who lives in Ohio!!! I had no idea he would be coming… he’s never been to one of my art fairs… and it was AMAZING and slightly confusing to see him there!!!

Later in the day, I was busy helping someone else… and then when I looked up I saw another familiar face!!! And there before my very eyes was my good friend Anna from high school… her husband, her sister with husband & daughter, and Anna’s Mom!!! Now keep in mind, I haven’t seen Anna since maybe a couple years after college graduation?! She now lives in St. Louis… so imagine my surprise now to have the entire family standing there in my art fair booth!!! CRAZY!!! Sadly, I was so shocked to see them all there in my booth… that I totally forgot to take any pictures!!! But Anna did bring me a little handmade souvenir… showing off her own crafty handiwork!

And then on Sunday, I was surprised by my friend Alison and her daughter Kasey. I haven’t seen Alison for a couple years… ever since they cancelled out Step Classes. Yes, we did Step Class together at the health club for YEARS!!! I love it… and still hope it will make a resurgence! Anyway, they popped into my booth and it was so good to see them. Especially after talking with Kasey who is now a news reporter up in Milwaukee. She had some amazing stories of what she’s had to cover in the field during these crazy times & the riots in Kenosha. Amazing… and more than a bit scary. Kudos for Kasey for stepping it up and reporting the news on camera to make sure the stories get told.

Towards the end of Sunday, I had another little visitor… adorable little Teagan who stopped bu with her Mom Nancy… one of my IRONMAN biking friends. Teagan was so cute walking around and being so thoughtful & cautious around all of the pottery.

Teagan seemed to really enjoy her first art fair… almost as much as she enjoys her morning oatmeal in her own little handmade & personalized cereal bowls!!!

Categories: art fair, friends

Hard to believe it is already the end of August?!!!…
how & when did THAT happen?

But more importantly, that means this weekend is ART IN THE GARDEN. A wonderful grassroots art fair with nine talented friends working together & creating together. Lots of wonderful artwork & fun collaboration projects in a safe garden setting with plenty of social distancing. We would love to have you join us in Glenview… with your mask!

For more info, click here for the website.
Or click here for our Facebook page.

Categories: food, friends, platters, soda-fired, stamped

And what’s better than a fun day at an art fair?… when friends drive two hours from Central Illinois just to see me, my pottery AND they bring homemade fudge!!! Plain chocolate & chocolate-marshmallow fudge!!! So yummy… fresh from Maurie’s Candy Shop down in Eureka, Illinois.

I love good friends & good fudge!!!
Thanks Keith & Julie so good to see you… and your fudge!!!

Categories: bowls, food, friends

Fresh from the kiln. Fresh from the garden.
Thanks to Adam & Kristin for the yummy tomatoes to fill my cute little green bowl with a split-rim and dented-details!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, friends, My Talented Friends

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! August 29th & 30th, 2020.

Just four weeks away we’re hosting another ART IN THE GARDEN!!!
The garden is twice as large this year so there’s plenty of room for social-distancing & safe shopping! It’s one of only two outdoor art fairs that I’m able to do this year… so please keep it safe, wash your hands and you MUST wear a mask!!!

It’s one of the most fun art fairs as several of us like to do one-of-a-kind collaboration projects to “reveal” at the show. You can see many of us making things in our studios to get ready… and maybe get a glimpse of a collaboration or two if you look close. Check out the list of my talented friends in the Comments and follow them all on social media.

Click here to follow ART IN THE GARDEN on Facebook… as more details, picture s& information will start to appear over the next few weeks!

Categories: family, friends, mugs, nature

Looks like one of my stamped & soda-fired mugs is off in the wilderness having a wonderful time camping & exploring the Eleven Mile Canyon Reservoir in Colorado! Looks amazing out there… have a great trip Kristin & Camden!!! Thanks for taking “me” along with you on a vicarious vacation!!!