Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, My Talented Friends, ornaments

While at the McGraw YMCA tonight hanging out with my friends, I did have to do
a little shopping from “My Talented Friend” Cory McCrory. Her textures, her colors and
her wacky sense of whimsy has always amused me. So when I saw this wonderful cup &
saucer – I knew I had to have it. Sure, it will fit right into my mug collection. But this is
the first one that comes with an actual arm as the stirring stick. Which comes in “handy”
when there’s “no poison” to be had!

But the REAL clincher is when you pick up the cup and find that the bottom is a point?!
So there’s no way to set it down anywhere except for the cloud-lined saucer that fits the point.
Too funny. Too clever. I love it.

And while I was there…
I also “had to” add another one of Cory’s handmade ornaments to my collection!

Categories: art fair, artists, My Talented Friends, pottery

On my way to the Lillstreet Holiday Opening Party tonight, I made a quick stop-off
at the Ceramics Showcase in Evanston. While I “should have” been at Lillstreet getting
ready in my studio… instead I was hanging out with my friends and doing a little shopping!

While I am not part of this collection of potters, three of “My Talented Friends” are.
So I stopped by early to see if I could help anyone set up, and they were pretty much all done.
So I got to stand around and chat… and shop! But here they are from left to right…
Cory McCrory, Roberta Polfus & Delores Fortuna.

So if you’ve got time this weekend for some great ceramic work, be sure to stop by
the Evanston McGraw YMCA and say hello to Cory, Roberta & Delores for me!!!

Categories: artists, textures

So the Lillstreet Member Show opened today… and I was quite happy to find a couple
“treasures” to add to my Terry Hogan Collection. She’s crazy obsessed – and we love her!
She makes these incredible porcelain pieces with intricate designs pressed & pierced
into them. Wonderful patterns with groovy fun textures! And she’s one of the artists who
is consistently under-pricing her work… so I snatched these for a steal. And “then” told her
that she needs to raise her prices. For the time & work, she could easily double her prices!

And as if they weren’t cool enough… here’s some close-ups to show them off even more!

Categories: art fair, artists, lillstreet

Some of the students of Lillstreet Art Center are currently being featured in the gallery.
It’s always fun to see how talented the students are – and to see their work being featured.
So often, all of the work gets finished, comes out of the kiln and goes straight home.
No one ever gets to see everyone elses pieces after they’re finished. There is a lot of great
work there at great prices. I think there are a lot great prices there… and I think that many
of the students need a class in pricing their work?! If you want to snatch up some great
pieces, be sure to hurry in. However, there are also a few people in the show who have
priced their pieces on the high side?! Apparently they have a pretty high opinion of
themselves and their work?! I’m just sayin’…

Either way… the Member Show runs through the week. Hurry in today!!!

Categories: art fair, friends, GeoCache, sunrise

It was a huge relief getting up this morning knowing that ART DETOUR was over.
And that my car was already packed and ready to head home. But first… another sunrise!

It has been such a wonderful weekend staying at the cabin on Moccasin Lake. Spending time
with my parents, Sarah & Julie. But this morning, they were all already gone. I had the cabin
to myself. Very quiet. But I couldn’t relax too much, as I had breakfast plans with Wendy in
Land O’Lakes. We were going to go to a different restaurant, but Wendy suggested we switch
to the Sunrise Lodge. Which was oddly ironic, because Pam & Pat had just suggested that
restaurant for breakfast a few hours earlier!! And they were all correct. I started with a
chocolate chip waffle. Which disappeared all too quickly. As it’s an “all-you-can-eat” place,
I then had a cranberry pancake. Yum!!! I was ready to go for another, but luckily, their
breakfast hours had already ended. So  I was “cut-off” from becoming a breakfast glutton.
Probably a good thing… for both me AND the kitchen!!!

Now this was ALL Wendy’s idea… she’s hooked!!! And she suggested we go GeoCaching!!!
Luckily, there was another one just down the road at the headwaters of the Wisconsin River.
So we followed my phone for clues and narrowed it down… and Wendy found her first one!!!
Giggling, laughing, so excited… just like a giddy little school girl…

All too soon, our morning fun was over, and I had to head home. Many miles to go!
I was heading home from Land O’Lakes and not quite sure how to get home the fastest.
So I thought I knew… and thought I was doing okay… but I kind of got a little lost somewhere
around Rhinelander. Until I saw the landmark Hodag – and then I knew where I was!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, GeoCache, nature

We woke up this morning with a sign on the cabin’s patio door windows! Apparently,
after we had gone to bed, my parents decided to put the signs on the window! Too cute!

And the morning kept getting better… with yet another beautiful sunrise over Moccasin Lake.

Followed by a fun birthday breakfast for Julie in Lake Tomahawk. A great way to start our day
before heading over to Amy’s for the start of the final day of ART DETOUR.

So we finally made it to Pigeon Road… and set up our booths pretty quickly. Then, before
the customers began to arrive, Wendy, Julie and I decided to go out on a quick “field trip”
to see more of the Northwoods and do a little GeoCaching at the same time! Neither of
them had done it before – but both were eager to try! So I checked my iPhone app and saw
that there was a GeoCache hidden somewhere near the boat landing of Horsehead Lake.

We followed the hints & compass on my phone and it lead us towards this tree. Upon closer
examination, I found the GeoCache tucked neatly in the crook of the tree. So we opened it up,
signed to log scroll and left behind one of Amy’s new buttons! It may have been their first
GeoCache find… but now both Julie & Wendy are hooked!!!

We made it back to Pigeon Road Pottery before any of the customers got there for
ART DETOUR. You know how Sundays are always a slow start at the art fairs.
What with church, brunch, hangovers, whatever…

It was another long day playing outside with customers. Two of my new favorites actually
returned with a homemade peach cobbler to keep us warm! Thank you Jean & Tony!!!

The end of the day, and the end of ART DETOUR, was signaled by the Oktoberfest clapper!
And Wendy was all to excited to get her tent taken down, get all packed up and finished with
yet another art fair. A huge sigh of relief for all of us!


Categories: art fair, artists, friends

For those who might not make it to the ART DETOUR… here are the artists…

AMY HIGGASON – Not only was Amy our host for the weekend, she’s also a wonderful
potter who does a lot of carving & illustrative work. Originally from the Chicagoland area,
Amy moved from Lillstreet Art Center up to the Northwoods about eight years ago!

KATLYN KOESTER – Katlyn is a recent college graduate who is now starting out on her
ceramic career. She’s been mentored by Amy for several years and is now well on her way
to becoming a self-supporting artist on her own!

SARAH CHAPMAN -Some of the coolest jewelry ever!!! Made by one of the coolest
metalsmiths ever. Sarah has been in Chicago forever, but just recently moved to Minneapolis.
She’s still making cool jewelry… but we do miss her in Chicago!!!

WENDY POWALISZ – Another artist from the Northwoods, Wendy paints some
wonderful watercolor paintings with a wonderful color palette. She’s also living the true
Northwoods life… in a wonderfully rustic log cabin made by her husband Lance.

And of course, me… GARY JACKSON… functional, textural, whimsical, etc…
I’m assuming that if you’re already here ready my blog, you probably already know
what my work looks like. Just in case… here’s a few more images…



Categories: art fair, artists, friends, pottery

After a dark drive up to the cabin, it was nice to see the beauty of the Northwoods
this morning… and to be greeted by a stunning sunrise over Moccasin Lake.

After the beautiful sunrise, Sarah, Julie & I drove back to Lake Tomahawk for the start
of ART DETOUR! Our tents were up, but we still needed to put out all of our products.
So there was a flurry of activity as we got ready for the start of Day One!

My booth full of fun pots… and some fun textures on the slab vases!

Little did we know then… but this was the position we would find ourselves in MANY times
over the course of the weekend. Wrapped up & huddled by the fire!

And yes, Julie was “supposed to be” doing her grad school homework. Glad we could be
a fun diversion for her! Bring on the marshmallows!!!

Mental note to self… take off the gloves BEFORE you get a gooey s’more in your hands!

While others were a bit more serious with their s’mores… not to mention any names…
Katlyn Koester & Kathy Furda!

In between selling pots, it was always fun to walk around and enjoy the Fall scenery.
And thanks to Amy’s cousin Rob’s wife Kirsten, we were also treated to some wonderful
homemade treats. Sure we were making s’mores…but not just regular s’mores. Oh no.
We were making gourmet s’mores! Kirsten made us homemade marshmallows, chocolate
mocha marshmallows & peppermint chocolate marshmallows… plus, homemade plain &
chocolate graham crackers!!! And we had a wide range of chocolate options to boot!!!

Sometimes all we could do is stand there and shiver… luckily, the campfire was always
going! A central warming place for the four of us stuck outside. Put another log on the
fire… pull up a chair…make a gourmet s’more… and try to stay warm!!!

After a full day outside in the cold… you can always count on another warm s’more. Cheers!

Categories: art fair, artists, studio

If you’re looking for something artsy to do today, I’ll be working
in my studio all day as part of the Ravenswood Artwalk 2012.
Many artist studios & galleries all along Ravenswood Avenue are open today
& tomorrow. Start your tour by stopping in my studio on the second floor of
Lillstreet Art Center – then follow the maps & signs for a full day of art fun!
I won’t be there tomorrow… ‘cuz it’s the Apple Cider Century!!!

Click here for more information – Ravenswood Artwalk 2012.

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, nature

I’m counting the days until ART DETOUR.
I will be heading up to the Wisconsin Northwoods a couple days early
to set-up and soak in the incredible Fall colors. Maybe even a hike or two?!
Sadly, no bike as my car will be full of pottery… and s’more supplies!!!