Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Chicago

A beautiful afternoon to be down by the lakefront. Enjoying the blue skies, the even bluer water & the historic landmark Chicago Harbor Lighthouse. Just off the end of Navy Pier, this lighthouse was built in 1893… but then somehow moved & “relocated” in 1919. Just wondering… how does one “move” a lighthouse?!!!

Categories: flowers

What a difference a day makes! My very first dahlia flower this summer is starting to bloom. I can’t wait to watch it open, grow & evolve over the next few days… ‘cuz I will say that first day it kinda looked like a creepy dragon’s eye staring back at me!!!

Categories: flowers, vases

A few days later, and my booth flowers from ART IN THE GARDEN are still holding up nicely. It’s kinda nice to have fresh flowers on the back porch… and a handmade stamped & soda-fired vase to put them in!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another quiet morning along the lake. With beautiful pastel skies & streaky contrails. Apparently, the “milky haze” we’ve been having the past couple days is the residual smoke from the Canadian wildfires blowing over the City?! Who knew?! And yes, “milky haze” was the weatherman’s term, not mine!

Categories: classes, food

Tonight in pottery class…
does this mean summer is officially over?! I kinda think so…

Categories: classes, pumpkins

Last night in my Intermediate Wheel pottery class, we started a new session and I had no planned demo for the first night. So I left it open for a fun “demo-on-demand” night… and they asked for PUMPKINS!!! Easy for me… I’ve made “a few”!! But we did have to speed it along a bit to “pumpkintize” them in class when the thrown spheres were wetter than I usually do. It worked… but they’re a bit frumpier, glumpier & I’m kinda diggin’ it!!! We might be onto something here?!

Categories: clay, porcelain, process

Yep, a nice pile of reclaimed porcelain clay setting up in the studio. All from a bunch of dried scraps from a potter-friend up in Minnesota who doesn’t reclaim… but does save the scraps for ME!!! Can’t wait to start playing with nice some white clay!!!

Categories: family, holiday

They had a birthday party yesterday for him… while I was selling pots at ART IN THE GARDEN. Many of you have known him for years as one of my art fair assistants & pottery-loaded van driver!

So here’s his birthday update… he’s still enjoying his time at Friendship Village in Schaumburg. His eyesight is not great, but he’s still very active around the place, loves excursions, karaoke & dance classes. Sure it help that he also has the cutest gal-pal in Bonnie. They’ve been together for quite some time now… ADORABLE! It’s great see them both so happy together. So here’s to many more years to come! ❤️

And it looks like my cousin Kim had all of the frosting to herself as I wasn’t there to eat it first!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, wheelthrowing

Another Monday for making more mugs!!! Yep, after a busy weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN… there’s no rest for the weary! Gotta make more… more… more! I have another soda kiln to fill in a week and a half… yikes! Making more stuff for ART IN THE BARN!!!

Categories: art fair, mugs

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out for ART IN THE GARDEN this weekend. We had perfect weather & great surroundings. I mean, could the background for my booth have been any greener?! So much fun hanging out & chatting with so many fun people! Thanks for coming!!

Also a big thanks to Amy & Tom for hosting the event every year…
as well as our merry band of talented artists who never cease to amaze me!
So great to play with you all this weekend!