Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: handbuilding, summer camp

For our SCULPTURE CAMP “Gallery Show,” the kids got their sculptural flowerpots back from the kiln… and then we planted each of them with a flowering kalanchoe plant. A bright pop of color to brighten up the Gallery Show at Lillstreet!

Categories: sculpture, summer camp

So my summer camp kids spent a lot of time painting their pieces for SCULPTURE CAMP yesterday & today. They were kind under a deadline as their “Gallery Show Opening” was at 3:00pm this afternoon. We finished painting just before lunch as planned… giving the acrylic paints a chance to dry before sending them home in their Mom & Dad’s clean cars!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

So here’s a sneak peek at some of the commission mugs with geometric shaped stamps! Looks like I need to do a little more cleaning up on them as I start to set them out to dry… but then they should make it into a bisque kiln in the next couple days!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production

At this point they’re all assembled, detailed & ready to start drying slowly. Headed off to the bisque kiln soon… moving along nicely with this commission project!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Wispy clouds. Colorful splashes… with the lake churning & splashing too. A bit of a chill in the air this morning, but still a beautiful way to start the day!

Categories: mugs, process, production, studio

Okay, so it took awhile…
but I finally have all forty… err, thirty-nine… handles attached!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

One of my all-time favorite flowers… the Black-Eyed Susan!
It always makes me smile. I know it’s really just a glorified weed that seems to grow everywhere! And yet somehow, this is the one plant that evades me! Never growing in my garden no matter how many time I try!!! C’mon already…

Categories: sculpture, summer camp

So if anyone is around Lillstreet this Friday at 3:00pm, my summer campers would like to invite you to their SCULPTURE SHOW. We’re going to turn our classroom into a gallery space to show-off their sculptures & flower pots. They will be setting up the show with proper gallery displays & signage, and work the show as docents to explain their work to the guests (parents) who stop by! They’ve worked hard this week… and they would love to show it off!

Categories: summer camp

And again… my Summer Camp Rule #3 totally comes in handy. “Whatever mess you make, you WILL be cleaning it up.” Or at least try in this case… they gave it their best, but kinda just smudged the plaster around a bit. The concept was there… but good thing the floor will get a “real” cleaning after this one!!!

Categories: sculpture, summer camp

Let the slimey & messy fun of plaster gauze begin!!! My BIG SCULPTURES summer camp has started adding layers of plaster gauze to their sculptures! We’re trying to cover all of the “armature” first… and then they’ll move on to details & textures… and then painting to finish them off!