Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: ETSY Shop, mugs

With a quick reminder that I have plenty of handmade mugs currently in my ETSY Shop… including several of my new “handbuilt-wheelthrown-combo” mugs! Plenty of patterns, textures & soda-fired finishes for everyone!!! Feel free to check ’em out whenever you’ve got time…

Categories: food, friends

And what better way to end an evening with friends than with some yummy deep dish pizza from Lou Malnati’s?! Great fun & conversation combined with gooey cheese, tomatoes, spinach, butter crust & garlic dressing as a dipping sauce!!!

And if that weren’t enough… there “might” have been some frozen custard at Lickety Split that followed… allegedly.

Categories: artists, platters, pottery, sculpture

The third member of the Sculpture Show in Evanston this weekend was Steve Skinner from Black Tree Studio Pottery… and it was these large platters on the wall with miniature houses that caught my attention. For more information on Steve’s work, click on

Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends, sculpture

As part of the Sculpture Show in Evanston this weekend, another one of “My Talented Friends” was showing off her sculptural work too. Darlys Ewoldt makes these amazing metal sculptures… hollow forms assembled & colored. I have no real concept of how she makes metal do this… but they are always crazy cool forms that draw you right into them! For more work by Darlys, click on her website at

Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends

So much fun to spend time with one of “My Talented Friends” today… as metalsmith Sarah Chapman was part of a sculpture show this weekend in Evanston. I had the chance to swing by today to see Sarah with some of her newest work, sculptural pieces & beautiful jewelry. To see more of Sarah’s amazing metal work, click on

Categories: bowls, stamped, summer camp

Meanwhile, back at camp… last week in my morning Wheelthrowing Camp, it looks like I might have a young protege in the making?!!! My summer campers were trimming & decorating their wheelthrown pots on Friday, and suddenly Umah started making this gem of a stamped bowl.

She may have a few more years to go…
but maybe she’ll make a great apprentice some day???

Categories: handbuilding, mugs, summer camp

And just when you thought young Cullen’s handbuilt mugs couldn’t get any cuter… we painted them with colored slip on Friday. We finished off this week of summer camp with such focus & determination… making his family the perfect gifts!!!

Categories: sunrise, weather

Another hazy, hot & humid morning along the lakefront. Trying to get some sunrise miles in before the heat really settles in for the day. Another “sweaty” sunrise shrouded in the clouds

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

After a night of slip painting, there’s now another batch of mugs drying in my studio. Just getting ready for my upcoming September art fairs… ART IN THE GARDEN and ART IN THE BARN. Two favorite shows… and a lot of new mugs coming soon!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

Did a bit of detailing tonight with colored flashing slips on a new batch of mugs! A layer of slip around the top rim & some stamp highlights. The colored flashing slips will react to the soda-firing atmosphere in my next kiln load… hopefully creating some great colored details.