Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, process, soda-fired

So I just placed the kiln in “body reduction.” This is when I throw the balance of gas-to-air out of whack. Too much gas for an efficient flame… so the kiln is seeking air anywhere it can find it. Thus the flames shooting out of the kiln searching for air… like the movie “Backdraft.” It is also the time that the porousness is being sucked out of the bisque making the pots inside solid & vitrified. Who knew so much chemistry & physics would play into my simple little pottery world?!

Categories: kiln firing, soda-fired

Early this morning… WE HAVE IGNITION!!!
And a long day ahead of me in the studio firing the soda kiln
for next weekend’s ART IN THE BARN in Barrington.

Categories: kiln firing, process, production

Finished loading last night… carefully stacking every shelf from back to front & bottom to top. You want to get in as many pieces as possible, while still leaving enough room for the soda atmosphere to move around inside & hit every pot. Lots of new stuff just in time for next weekend’s ART IN THE BARN in Barrington.

Categories: glaze, process, production

Last night I brought studio cart down to the kiln room to start loading the soda kiln. I like to use these masking tape “safety belts” to keep my pots from jumping off the shelves while heading down in the rickety freight elevator.

Categories: kiln firing, soda-fired

Beautiful soda kiln bricks after a LOT of firings. The build-up is amazing… although not so good for the longevity of a kiln. Luckily, the soda kiln at Lillstreet is scheduled to be rebuilt at the end of the year.

Categories: kiln firing, soda-fired

Here we go again… seems like I just loaded this kiln a couple weeks ago?!

Categories: flowers

My second dahlia of the summer! I’ve been nursing it along through this long stretch of dry days! Watering whenever I can. They’re predicting rain for tomorrow… and my garden will be very happy if they’re right!!! More rain… more dahlias???

Categories: bike, sunrise

Looks like another beautiful day for the last day of Summer! Clear skies, calm waters & sparkling reflections. A little warm & humid… another sweaty ride… perfectly Summery!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Like a kiss from a rose… in a stamped & soda-fired vase! Pretty little orange garden roses in an oval vase… with a strappy little handle that helps keep the flowers where you want them! I’ll be bringing a few of these oval vases to ART IN THE BARN next weekend.

Categories: hybrid mugs, pumpkins

Packed with pumpkins! Just another bisque kiln getting ready for next weekend’s ART IN THE BARN! Plenty of new hybrid mugs & pumpkins of all sizes after my next soda kiln firing!