Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair

Well, the time has come… I’m headed out to Barrington to start setting up today. I have a DOUBLE booth at ART IN THE BARN… so it takes a couple trips to get all of my pottery & shelving out there! It’s going to be a busy day of shlepping & setting up in the Lower Barn. Gotta make it look good for everyone planning on coming out this weekend… Saturday & Sunday from 10:00-5:00pm. Hope to see you there!

Categories: art fair, friends, pottery

We had such a great time at ART IN THE GARDEN a couple weeks ago… and it looks like some of my biggest “fans” did too!!! HA!!! Allison has quite a collection of my work… so fun to have such loyal friends & customers! She’s always so supportive of her artist friends.

And this weekend is a perfect chance for me to meet more “friends” at ART IN THE BARN!!! C’mon by!

Categories: process, production

And then THIS happened… l
ooks like a swashbuckling pirate massacre happened here!!! Never fear… it’s just red underglaze from painting pirate bandanas!!! Ha!!!

Categories: handbuilding, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

So my “Ghoul” Pirates are coming along nicely… looking even more dashing in color! A few different options for bandanas… and some more details still to be painted like earrings & belt buckles. Some even have swashbuckling swords in their belts! Still on track for the “Big Reveal” of the newest addition to The Ghouls Collection this weekend at ART IN THE BARN in Barrington!

For more information – click

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

The Fall coolness may be in the air today, but that doesn’t mean that the flowers are done showing off. Like these beautiful green hydrangeas that look perfect in a stamped & soda-fired vase!

Categories: handbuilding, process, production, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

So the past couple days I’ve been swarmed by pirates everywhere!!! Working feverishly in my studio to get these little “Ghouls” done in time for ART IN THE BARN this weekend in Barrington. I finally got them all assembled. Cute in terra cotta brown… even cuter in color, but still painting!

Categories: food, pottery, stamped

Sure, I coulda gotten some fresh vegetables… but instead I picked up a nice chunk of bleu cheese at the Farmer’s Market on my way home today! Looks like a great “appetizer”… yum, my favorite!!!

Categories: creativity, seasons

Today is the LAST official day of Summer!!!
The weather is AMAZING today… so get out there to enjoy it while you can. Sounds like Fall comes in tomorrow with the temperatures dropping about twenty degrees!!!

Categories: art fair

My biggest art fair of the season is less than a week away!!! Yep, I have a DOUBLE BOTH next weekend at ART IN THE BARN! Twice as much pottery, twice as much fun… and a lot of shelving for me to transport back & forth!!! Mark your calendar… it’s a great art fair all decked out for Fall… complete with clay pumpkins & the newest addition to The Ghouls Collection! I’ll be in my usual space in the Lower Barn booth E4 & E6. Hope to see you there… and bring a friend!!!

Categories: pottery

A nice “tour” through Suzi’s kitchen… showing off a nice stamped & glazed utensil crock with fine collection of wooden spoons! Her spoons, my vase… a perfect working collaboration!