Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, holiday

I saw these on the shelf at the grocery store this morning. Say it isn’t so!!!
I mean, I love Christmas as much as the next guy, but c’mon already!

Categories: nature, seasons

I can’t believe it’s already time to flip another calendar page
& time to change our clocks this weekend!

Categories: holiday, The Ghouls Collection

Looks like Beetlejuice has been all lit-up for a perfectly blustery & spooky Halloween night! Loving the glow from within… nicely done & thanks for sharing Kristen!

Categories: holiday, pumpkins

Hope you’re all having a wonderful Halloween today!
Pull out your best costume, go snag some candy & have a great time!!!
Stay safe & keep your feet on the ground as we have CRAZY winds
blowing through Chicago today!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Today it was WINDY AGAIN!!!
Unseasonably warm, but very windy.

The clouds kept blowing through as I pedaled into the wind for the first half… but then “flew” home with a fun tailwind!!! And the clouds played along so much better today than yesterday… allowing the sunrise colors to splash across the clouds before the sun disappeared behind the clouds once again.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Yesterday morning was WINDY!!! With a lot of clouded potential, I had high hopes for a beautiful sunrise. But alas, the clouds kept blowing through, I kept pedaling into the headwinds… and the sun made a VERY brief appearance popping out over the low-flying clouds, and then going right back behind a few moments later.

Categories: mugs

My TRICK-OR-TREAT MUG SALE kicks-off tonight only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page! Lots of mugs being posted at 7:30pm cst… ready for people to snatch ‘em up & toss them in their goodies bags! Rhetorical of course… I’ll be packing, boxing & shipping with care!!! Not tossing!!! So set your timer… we’re just about six hours away!!!

Click here – www.facebook.come/firewhenreadypottery

Categories: classes, holiday

Doin’ some last minute prepping’ & packin’…
making some fun trick-or-treat goodie bags for my beginner pottery students tonight!
Lots of candy, toys, goodies, some extra tools, sponges & more!!!

Fun for all… unless you don’t like spiders?!!!

Categories: mugs

Mark your calendar for tomorrow night… or would that be Halloween Eve???
We’re going to be “trick-or-treating” for mugs… first-come first-served.
Very old-school online sale… only on my Facebook page at 7:30pm cst.
Set a timer & share this post with your friends!!!

Click here –

Categories: process, production

10×10 : It was a busy morning trimming & making things “festive” in the studio.
More than ten done by 10:00am!!!