Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: family, flowers, vases

My cousin Kim was outside enjoying her garden… and decided to take a few blooms to enjoy inside as well. Good thing she had one of my flat textured ikebana vases to put them in… using the small pin frog inside to prop-up the flowers! Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden Kim!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

Today’s the day!!! My Summer Camp “tour of duty” begins today… and continues through Labor Day! This year I will be doing mostly wheelthrowing camps with the kids, as many of the extra-fun “specialty” camps were not offered this year at Lillstreet. We still have Chess Camp at the very end of summer, but sadly, no super huge sculptures this summer!!! mwah, mwah, mwah…

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, textures

After the “surprise” rain this afternoon… it was back into the studio to do a little more platter stamping. Changing a plain wheelthrown platter into a decoratively textured platter. All with just one handmade clay stamp pressed in over & over & over again!

Categories: weather

So I was just out for an afternoon bike ride along the lake… gentle clouds, breezy, nice. But then… seemingly out of nowhere, the winds went crazy, the clouds went dark & the temperature dropped quickly!!! I even saw little pop-up sailboats racing back to safety… only to see three of them capsize from the wind. Luckily, they were all well-trained and got them back up quickly. So… I turned around, got drizzled on twice & picked up my pace racing home. I just got home LITERALLY three minutes before the sky opened up & the rain started coming down!!! Whew!!!

Categories: art fair, artists

We’re just about two months away from ART IN THE GARDEN… my favorite grassroots art fair with a bunch of My Talented Friends!!! Mark your calendar now! And now I need to focus on a couple “surprise” collaboration projects too!

ART IN THE GARDEN : Saturday, September 7th & Sunday, September 8th

Categories: Chicago

Just a little glimpse of the NASCAR “craziness” going on downtown this weekend. If you look close, you can see just a smidge of Buckingham Fountain down in the bottom right corner between all of the tents, semi’s, portos & huge red Grandstands built for the NASCAR Road Race spectators this weekend.

Categories: bike, sunrise

With just a simple wisp of colored clouds, the morning turned out to be calm & clear. The perfect chance to pedal down to Promontory Point & back… before the craziness of NASCAR downtown sets in today!!!

Categories: clay, porcelain, process, production, studio

After playing outside most of the day, I felt a little “uninspired” in the studio tonight. So I decided it was the perfect chance to start reclaiming a bunch of dried porcelain scraps. So I spent the night banging, pounding & pulverizing… then submerging in my reclaim bin to slake down. Feels good to get this task done, as I brought all of this dried clay home from Minnesota back in May… thanks to a potter-friend up there who doesn’t reclaim her own clay & knows that I am more than willing to put in the extra work for some FREE CLAY!!!

Categories: sunset

Okay, so I’m one of those who enjoys sunrises over sunsets…
but this sunset was pretty darn AMAZING tonight!!! From the roof of the studio…

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamps, vases

Celebrating another #FloralFriday with some pretty flowers in one of my stamped & soda-fired oval vase. One of the benefits of an oval vase it is keeps the flowers tight, and spreads them wide so you can see more of them. Enjoy… hope they brighten your day!