Oh, what to do when the class demo platter being safely stored under plastic stays under a little longer than you expected… maybe six weeks?…and now it’s too firm to stamp?! Time to pull out my favorite DiamondCore Tools to do a little texture carving! And I’m kinda diggin’ it… gonna need to make more like this!!!
Last night was another night of BINGO-fun at IKEA! Holiday lights, kitschy outfits & festive prizes. But for me, and my table of friends… it was Bingo-Bubkis!!! Came close a couple times… but no BINGO’s for me!!!
Some old-school glamour at the Chicago Hilton Hotel on Michigan Avenue.
They don’t make ‘em like they used to!!!
A beautiful blue sky downtown… a city of contrast through the sunroof!
Cold & breezy with some layered colors this morning.
I was hoping for a sunrise “breakthrough”… but it kinda faded into grayness.
Oh well… maybe tomorrow?
Well, here it comes!!! Thanksgiving is over and now the holiday shopping truly begins! So start making your holiday gift lists & mark your calendar for my SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW on Saturday, December 14th & Sunday, December 15th from 10:00am-6:00pm. A perfect chance to finish all of your shopping in one stop! Everyone loves handmade gifts for the holidays!!!
Just making a quick batch of ornaments… replenishment with a “twist” to come… for my second HOLIDAY HOME SHOW on December 14th & 15th. Mark your calendars & start making your gift shopping list!
Time to turn out another huge batch of reclaimed clay in my studio. It’s been a busy season making lots of pots for the holidays… which means lots of trimming… which means lots of RECLAIM!!!
Welcome to December!
Time to start the advent calendar that my Grandma Kitty made many years ago.
And so it begins…