Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, textures, vases

Summer may be drawing to an end all too quickly, but there are still plenty of flowers to bring indoors to make it last just a bit longer. A few simple stems in an ikebana vase can make a dramatic splash on your table! And celebrating TEXTURE TUESDAY with these stamped & soda-fired textures!

Categories: pottery, stamped, vases

Looks like another mini vase found a great use at a good home.
So fun to see these cutie-patooties making their way out into the world! If you think you might “need” one or two… I just uploaded a bunch of them into My Online Pottery Store on my blog. Here’s the link…

Categories: flowers, garden, soda-fired, stamped, vases

When the big storm came though a couple days ago, apparently is broke off a bunch of Rosene’s coleus plants. Not to be beaten down, she gathered them up and made a cute little centerpiece for herself! Helps when you have a nice little stamped & soda-fired vase to put them in!!!

Categories: creativity, friends, inspiration, pottery, vases

Who knew that one little piece of pottery could draw out such creative wackiness?! Whether it’s a horn-holder on top of a watermelon?… or a kitten spittle-catcher?… or a zucchini bread holder???

Looks like he might be going a little “covid-quarantine-crazy”… but I LOVE It… and I can’t wait to see what he’ll do with larger pieces of pottery?!!! Bring it on Matthew!!!

Categories: artists, classes, sgraffito, vases

Pre-pandemic we were just finishing up our Great Lillstreet Throwdown class… just a couple days later the world shutdown! So now, several months later, some of my students are just now getting around to glazing their pieces. These are two pieces by Jacob… a sgraffito carved bowl and his Volkswagon VW flower brick!!!

A far cry from Jacob’s penchant for dipping all of his pots in a plain lavender glaze like he did for the first couple years!

Categories: flowers, stamped, vases

Sweet little stamped vase with some sweet little flowers!
Thanks Rosene for this little retro-feeling vignette photo!

Categories: garden, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Such a cute little succulent garden… it never really crossed my mind to turn one of my small oval pieces into a flower pot for succulents. But now that’s all I want to do… make some of these for myself!!! Thanks for sharing my green-thumbed fans!

Categories: flowers, garden, soda-fired, vases

A few more wall pocket planters making the greenery hang higher! Specially made with some drainage holes for soil & plants… usually I make them without holes for flowers in a vase. Loving how this trio has some cascading vines working their magic. Thanks Patty for sharing your green thumb!

Categories: process, production, stamped, tools, vases

Okay, so I just “had to” crank out a last-minute batch of mini bud vases! If I’ve planned correctly, these little cutie patooties will “just barely” make it into this weekend’s soda kiln!!! And yes, smaller pots do get smaller stamps… and I do still trim everything! Even if they’re teeny-tiny!

Gotta LOVE a good spinnin’ Giffin Grip!!!

Categories: family, flowers, vases

Plants on trees… now made possible with a trio of ceramic wall pockets made with drainage holes! A sweet little collection enjoying the morning sun. Thanks for sharing Kimberley Sue!!!