Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production, tools

The perfect pottery production combo… two of my favorite studio tools in action together! Sharp trimming tools from DiamondCore Tools working along side the Giffin Grip. Smooth ribbons of clay coming right off while anchored down on the wheel & easily centered!

Categories: clay, holiday, tools

Huge THANKS to DiamondCore Tools for celebrating NATIONAL CLAY WEEK… and for spotlighting some of my work in their latest e-mail blast. You know I’ve loved my DiamondCore Tools from the very start… and it has been great to see their product lines continue to grow & change with us potters in mind! Whether you’re carving, trimming, grinding or smoothing… DiamondCore Tools will have what you need!!! And what better way to celebrate NATIONAL CLAY WEEK than with some new pottery tools?!

Categories: classes, process, production, tools

The plan was to work last night in my studio… but alas, I was “trapped” at the airport forever!!! Got home way too late. So I did a little early morning trimming… trying to move these cylinders along as quickly as possible. Surely helped out with my favorite DiamondCore Tools & Giffin Grip!!! Big plans for these later…

Categories: bowls, surface decoration, tools

Carving another bowl with my favorite DiamondCore Tools! I started with an ombre’ blend of colored slips from blue to white… and then when it was a drier leatherhard, it was time to start carving a pattern through it! Pretty pleased with it so far… and I’m thinking I need to start making MORE of these!!!

Categories: classes, tools

It’s always fun to share my collection of DiamondCore Tools with my students. We were focusing on sgraffito as this week’s SURFACE DECORATION technique. And I wanted them to learn how to do sgraffito the “right way”… and that means by having some great tools to do their carving!

Categories: classes, sgraffito, tools

My students had a great time with their sgraffito projects last Thursday night. They all realized that the hardest part is making the very first mark carving through the colored slip. It’s like looking at a blank canvas & freaking out just a little about how & where to start. But once they started carving with my DiamondCore Tools … they found out how much fun it was… and how tough it is to stop!!!

Categories: classes, platters, sgraffito, tools

After the sgraffito bowl, I went for a more geometric treatment of a larger dinner plate… carving through the band of black slip to reveal a pattern of the lighter clay body. Just trying to show my students that there are different styles… and that not all sgraffito needs to be so illustrative. Again, carving clean lines & smooth curves with my DiamondCore Tools.

Categories: bowls, classes, sgraffito, tools

This week in my SURFACE DECORATION class, it was Sgraffito Night! I had suggested that they all bring some leatherhard pieces to carve through. I did a couple demo pieces & my students did their own thing too!!! So much better with good carving tools from DiamondCore Tools! My first demo piece was this small bowl with an ombre’ blend of white & black slips.

Categories: process, production, tools

Doing a little bit of trimming quickly before teaching tonight. Love when the ribbons come flying off cleanly & quickly… especially when working with my DiamondCore Tools & Giffin Grip. The perfect combo for some quick trimming fun!!!

Categories: classes, platters, textures, tools

While we’re in-between sessions at Lillstreet, it still seems like the perfect chance to show-off one of my Intemediate students and her handiwork! While sharing my MKM Pottery Tools with my class, Jen decided to make a “quick” handbuilt platter using a couple of my MKM hand rollers. Jen is normally a “wheelthrower”… so she assumed this would be a “quick” project to crank out. But quickly found out that handbuilding takes time & patience as well… with a lot of attachments & things to clean-up. But look at this textured plate… it’s AMAZING Jen!!!