Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: production, tiles

Whew… just finished assembling & gluing all of the tiles in place…
800 all together!!!

Another fun collaboration project with Cory McCrory done… and drying!
Remember, the “Big Reveal” is this weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview!!!
A fun group of Talented Friends hanging out in Amy Taylor’s backyard garden!!!

For more information & full show details, click here to follow us on Facebook.

But for now, they’re sitting on top of my dining room table drying.
All ready to travel to Glenview tomorrow morning for the “Big Reveal.”

And after seeing this… maybe I need consider tiling my dining room table for real?!

Categories: process, production, tiles

Still gluing. Only eight more collaboration pieces to go!!!
Ahhhh…. FUMES!!!

Categories: art fair, My Talented Friends, textures, tiles

The collaboration pieces I’m doing with Cory McCrory are coming together nicely. I’ve been laying out the tiles to create mini-ClayQuilts. So many colors, textures, flowers… and even some words along the way!!! Once I get them all laid out, I’ll give them all a final “edit”… switch a tile, rotate a tile, tweak ’em a bit before I call them done!

And then I still have to glue them all in place so they can dry in time for the “Big Reveal” this weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview.

I love when a plan comes together!!!

Categories: artists, My Talented Friends, tiles

Here’s a couple cuties from Cory McCrory. C’mon, could they be any cuter?!
Can’t wait to see them all come together!!!

And yes… you guessed it… some of them do indeed go together!!!
That was tough to put together, right???

Categories: My Talented Friends, tiles

Let the assembly begin. Placing Cory’s tiles and then adding mine into the mix.
Got a lot of pieces… a lot of tiles… and not a lot of time!
Methinks it’s going to be another late night of adhesive fun!!! Great fumes to sleep by.

Categories: artists, My Talented Friends, tiles

Each bag I pull out of the box is better than the one before!
It’s like a Cory McCrory Christmas in the ceramic collaboration world. So much fun!!!

Categories: artists, My Talented Friends, tiles

I’ve got a severe case of the Cory’s!!!
No really… I’ve got a full case of Cory McCrory’s tiles for our ART IN THE GARDEN collaboration project. Can’t wait to dig in and see what we sort of brilliant genius we have here!!!

Now I’ve got to start putting it all together. The “Big Reveal” will be this
weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview. Gotta love a good collaboration!

Categories: art fair, artists, glaze, kiln firing, My Talented Friends, tiles

My glaze kiln is finished, cooled & unpacked… LOTS of tiles!!!
693 to be exact… I dropped one!

Now I just need to start assembling my pieces with Cory McCrory’s wonderfully whimsical works to create our special collaboration pieces for this weekend’s ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview!!!

Categories: glaze, kiln firing, tiles

Spent much of yesterday “laboring” in my studio. Finished glazing & loading 694 tiles!!! Many of which will become part of the collaboration fun I’m doing with Cory McCrory for next weekend’s ART IN THE GARDEN.

And sure, I probably could have gotten ONE more tile squeezed in there… if it weren’t for that glaze splotch that somebody left on the kiln shelf from a previous firing. Usually I’m okay with chipping them off. But this one’s a deep one best saved for another day! And what’s ONE more tile really in the big scheme of things?!

I better NOT be one tile short when it comes to assembling our collaboration pieces!

Categories: My Talented Friends, tiles

Yep, that about sums it up.

A little pre-glazing fun from my partner-in-collaboration Cory McCrory!
Can’t wait to see these fired, glazed, shaded and fired again!!!