Getting ready for my soda kiln…
so I glazed and added some colored slip accents to my latest batch of textured tiles. They still need to be wadded… with a LOT of wads, as I want to keep them as flat as possible. And let’s just say, the soda kiln doesn’t have a good reputation for keeping things flat & unwarped.
A quick batch of square textured tiles…
gotta dry them fast, keep them flat and try to get them into tonight’s bisque kiln.
Fingers crossed… and drying on plastic grid so they can get air exposure on both sides to minimize warping! And I’m hoping that I have “guessed” at my clay shrinkage rate correctly, as I’m shooting for 4-1/4″ squares when fired.
For today’s Facebook Challenge, I’m focusing on Tile Thursday. Small, soda-fired textured tiles assembled into what I like to call my ClayQuilts. Including the last photo which was featured in “500 Tiles” by Lark Books on page 219.
As part of today’s challenge, I’d also like to nominate my friend Nancy Jana-Kent who got me to take my first pottery class several years back!!! Thanks Nancy.