Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta, textures

OMG!!!… I can’t believe how Cory has knocked this one out-of-the-park!!!

She’s added several layers of colored underglazes to our collaboration birdhouses… and I think they’re AMAZING!!! It might just be one of our best ART IN THE GARDEN collaborations ever! I can’t wait to see them in person this weekend!

Sadly, there are only TEN of them…. and there’s no calling dibs ahead of time… first come, first served at ART IN THE GARDEN. If there are any left after the show, we will offer them up online!

For more…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta, textures

Here it is… the first “reveal” of the collaboration project that Cory McCrory & I are working on for ART IN THE GARDEN. I constructed the birdhouses with textured terra cotta slabs… and now Cory is embellishing them with her own sense of whimsy & fun! Her attachments are adorable… and I can’t wait to see them in COLOR!!!

For more details about ART IN THE GARDEN… click here…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta, textures

More parts & pieces being added to our collaboration pieces! Looks like Cory McCrory has been busy playing with some terra cotta… much different than her usual paper clay… to make some whimsical additions to my textured part of the collaboration! Can’t wait for the “big reveal” next weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, handbuilding, terra cotta

Another “sneak peek” into the ART IN THE GARDEN collaborations… this time it’s a glimpse into Cory McCrory’s studio! And some of the parts & pieces that she’s making to add onto our terra cotta birdhouses! I can’t wait to see how her whimsical handbuilding skills add to my birdhouses! Big debut next weekend in Glenview!

More info –

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, stamped, terra cotta, textures

So here are my birdhouses for ART IN THE GARDEN… and oh, but wait there’s more… they are also part of a fun collaboration project. My buddy Cory McCrory is now going to work her whimsical magic on these birdhouses… adding her own special sense of humor, whimsy & color to each of them. I can’t wait to see what she does from here!!! Come to ART IN THE GARDEN on September 9th & 10th to see the final results in person!

Categories: stamped, terra cotta, textures

This project is for the BIRDS… quite literally!!! Yes, for this year at ART IN THE GARDEN I’m making a collection of birdhouses! Textured terra cotta with angled roofs & rings to hang them from… even ventilation holes under the eaves! Thus the power drill…

Categories: collaborations, stamped, terra cotta, textures

Celebrating another TEXTURE TUESDAY… with some textured terra cotta! All of these fun textures will be part of the collaboration project I’m doing with Cory McCrory this year for ART IN THE GARDEN. They’re coming together nicely… can’t wait to share more teaser photos! And what’s with the big round holes???

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta

Here’s a quick glimpse of something that’s been going on in my studio lately… the beginning of something fun! Parts & pieces coming together as part of a new collaboration project with my buddy Cory McCrory for ART IN THE GARDEN!

Categories: handbuilding, summer camp, terra cotta

One of my favorites from this week of Summer Camp…
Henry’s handbuilt fish mug… and of course, it’s a Pirate Fish with an eye-patch, right?!

Yeah… I don’t get it either… but its ADORABLE… and Henry was so excited about it!!!

Categories: handbuilding, mugs, summer camp, terra cotta

This week my Summer Campers have been throwing on the wheels… learning from scratch in three days!!! But today we switched to handbuilding. So we pulled out some terra cotta, some fun texture tools and they set-off to making their mugs. A lot of little hands doing a lot of scoring & slipping. Only a couple hours and they all created some great handmade mugs!!!

And yes… they pulled their own slabs!!!
No rolling pins. No slab roller. Just the good old fashioned way… and they crushed it.