Lots of kids, lots of cleaning…
Summer Camp Rule #3 is still working well…
“Whatever mess you make, you will be cleaning up.”
And the cuteness factor continues…. thank you Erik!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Lots of kids, lots of cleaning…
Summer Camp Rule #3 is still working well…
“Whatever mess you make, you will be cleaning up.”
And the cuteness factor continues…. thank you Erik!!!
So it’s another week of Wheelthrowing Summer Camp… and another week of “covered” CUTENESS!!! I mean, really… pretty darn cute even with hands covered with a gloppy-goopey mess & half of her face covered with her yellow mask!!!
When new clay meets “graveyard” reclaimed clay during Summer Camp!!! So my wheelthrowing campers “recycle” their bad & shmooshed pots by slightly drying them out on plaster bats and then wedging them back together with some new clay! Looks like it might be another Marbled Monday!
We’re nearing the end of Summer Camp… only two more weeks… and some of the markers have seen better days. So this morning, when two of my campers came a bit early, I had them “volunteer” for a task… and they tested all of the markers!!! Throwing away the ones that were dried out. So much better now…
A little early-morning Summer Camp still-life…
red & ready… the calm before the storm!
We started the morning yesterday with some of my Summer Campers scraping & cleaning the ware boards they had uses the day before. No one likes a dry crusty ware board… wouldn’t it be nice if EVERYONE would do this before they put the shared ware boards back on the racks?!
Enjoying a little sunshine this afternoon lunching on the Lillstreet Rooftop with my Summer Campers… along with a black swallowtail butterfly who seems to be enjoying his floral lunch as well.
Meanwhile, back at camp… last week in my morning Wheelthrowing Camp, it looks like I might have a young protege in the making?!!! My summer campers were trimming & decorating their wheelthrown pots on Friday, and suddenly Umah started making this gem of a stamped bowl.
She may have a few more years to go…
but maybe she’ll make a great apprentice some day???
And just when you thought young Cullen’s handbuilt mugs couldn’t get any cuter… we painted them with colored slip on Friday. We finished off this week of summer camp with such focus & determination… making his family the perfect gifts!!!
Yesterday my afternoon Summer Campers did some handbuilding… and I challenged them to make slab mugs! Cullen made this adorable set of mugs for his family… Mom, Dad & Grandma!
But the cutest part?… he also made one for his twin brother Caden. And kept it “secret” the whole time so Caden has no idea that this is being made… pretty much right under his nose!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |