Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: handbuilding, mugs, summer camp

Summer Camp with a younger group : 8-10 year olds… wheelthrowing on Monday & Tuesday, trimming & handles on Wednesday, handbilding (sp) on Thursday… and then slip painting on Friday! This group was a lot of fun… especially on Thursday when we tackled textured mugs. They threw their own slabs by hand with no rolling pins or slab rollers! Then they pressed in a texture & constructed their own mugs all by themselves! Amazing work!

Categories: creativity, summer camp

Not only did I have great kids making great pots this week at summer camp…
but I also had Eva who made me this amazing little origami dragon from a single sheet of paper!!

Categories: summer camp

Another great week of Summer Camp done! This week I had 10-13 year olds throwing on the wheel… two groups, morning camp & afternoon camp. Lots of dirty hands, lots of pots, lots of giggles!

Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

It was already Day Three of my Wheelthrowing Camp this week… and the kids are having a great time getting all gloopy & gloppy! And I must admit… I am too… as I LOVE SUMMER CAMP!!!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

Today’s the day!!! My Summer Camp “tour of duty” begins today… and continues through Labor Day! This year I will be doing mostly wheelthrowing camps with the kids, as many of the extra-fun “specialty” camps were not offered this year at Lillstreet. We still have Chess Camp at the very end of summer, but sadly, no super huge sculptures this summer!!! mwah, mwah, mwah…

Categories: glaze, summer camp

To finish off one of my favorite weeks of Summer Camp… I showed my kids how to do bubble glazing. And they LOVED IT!!! Such a fun way to top off an amazing week with a great group of kids! Most of them had never thrown on the wheel before. They struggled a bit on Monday, but with some practice they were making cute pots soon enough. They were all so focused, talented & entertaining. So helpful & willing to pitch-in all week long. They made such great progress… and bubble glazing was a great finale for them!

But the real quote of the week was from Luca at the end of Friday…
“The was the best week of my life.”

Categories: glaze, summer camp

Another summer camp mishap… but they all learned another valuable lesson! This is what happens when someone doesn’t put the lid on correctly! Luckily, it’s just wax… and even better… it splattered so close to the floor drain!

Categories: clay, summer camp, wheelthrowing

Of course it wasn’t all fun & games in camp… as Isla didn’t quite pull her hair back far enough while throwing at the wheel! Her hair dangling too close to the spinning ball of clay. After several warnings… she ended up with a glop of clay tangled up in her curly locks!!! I gave her three options…

1. scissors

2. wash it out in the gross slop sink

3. let it dry completely and crumble it out later that night at home.

She chose option three… so this chunk dangled in her hair all day!!!
A good reminder for the other kids with long hair… listen to Gary!!!

Categories: challenge, summer camp, wheelthrowing

Because I had such an amazing group of summer campers this week, I decided to go a little further with them… as they “requested” to do the Blindfolded Wheelthrowing Challenge! Turns out that Isla was one of the kids in the hallway that saw us doing a couple weeks ago. She brought it up.. and everyone jumped on the chance to try it out!!! So much fun to watch them throwing… and they all had a WONDERFUL TIME giving it a whirl. Most with good success & plenty of giggles!

Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

This week in summer camp, I had a great group of “first-time” wheelthrowers! However, one of them was struggling a bit the first day and kept opening the ball of clay too wide and kept ending up with a “doughnut” of clay in their hands. Over & over again!!! I made a deal with Avery… that if they could figure it out and stop “ripping off doughnuts” I would teach them how to throw doughnuts on the wheel on purpose!

Avery figured it out… and many of my summer camp kids made clay doughnuts to celebrate Avery’s sweet success!!!