After a week of fun, my Summer Camp kids finished their sculptures yesterday just in time for a “gallery” showing for their parents and other campers. They truly took it to heart when I challenged them to go LARGE… the only “rule” was that they had to be able to get it home!!!… somehow.
VIVIAN’s life-sized sea turtle and colorful squid taking a ride
LILY’s 5-foot tall phoenix… based on Fawkes, the phoenix from Harry Potter.
McKENZIE’s 5-foot long flying dragon beast
LAUREN’s squiggly branched 5-foot tall tree designed to hold her necklaces and stick into a corner of her bedrooom.
ISAAC’s armadillo
ROSI’s shooting star complete with sparkling glitter
SAUL’s 5-foot tall alien creature… inspired by the ALIEN movies
CLOELLE’s 4-foot tall flowering cactus.
SASHA’s clock with black widow spiders on the front, and a bunch of gears on the back.
MARTHA’s 5-foot tall light blue tree complete with mail slot, functioning mail box, swing, cat and bird.
SYLVIA’s five-foot tall weeping willow tree.
BEN’s sculpture…. hold on… wait for it... 4-foot tall standing potato man with marshmallow arms and fish tail. Yep, his idea.. not mine!
So the only one that is missing is MAX’s six-foot long snake! He had to finish his on Thursday as he had to miss Friday’s big show! Family trip to St. Louis… I get it. But he was pretty darn stoked that his snake measured out at OVER six-feet long!!!
So there it is… another week of Summer Camp in the books,
Next week I’m up for another great week of camp… it’s FIRE, FORGE & FEAST.