Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: summer camp

Greetings on our last day of Summer Camp this week… from this little “bonus” camper! More kids & more fun next week!!!

Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

I mean, they asked what they could do… so I told them!

We have some of these clear acrylic dividers between some of the wheelthrowing workstations for social distancing. As with everything in the studio, they tend to get splattered with clay. So since they were looking for something to do… I figured what better project than giving them a quick wipe-down?! I’m sure it might not have been what they were hoping for… but they both did it willingly.. a little contest to see who did it better.

Well done Emily & Ruby! Thank you both!!!

Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

Not bad for a day’s work!!! Today my Summer Campers made more pots… their third day of throwing on the wheel. Looks like they’re doing really well, learning quick, making pots & definitely having a lot of fun!!!

Categories: summer camp, tools, wheelthrowing
Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

For this week’s Summer Camp I’m back to Wheelthrowing!!! I have a great group of pre-teens getting all sloppy, messy & muddy… and having a great time on the wheel. Most of them have never thrown on the wheel before… so I’m trying to get them started with some good basic techniques that will stick with them for years to come!

Categories: sculpture, summer camp

This afternoon we set-up our Sculpture Gallery Show for my summer campers’ last day of SCULPTURE CAMP. A great way for them to show-off their oversized sculpture masterpieces for their parents, guests, visitors & other summer campers! They were so cute acting as artists, docents & greeters… a great way to end another fantastic week of Summer Camp!!!

Categories: summer camp, terra cotta

Today was the final day of my week-long SCULPTURE CAMP. My campers were great, and worked so hard all week… okay, so there may have been a few “diversions” along the way… but all in all they did a great job! Their terra cotta birdhouses came out of the kiln just in time for today’s Gallery Show… and they looked AMAZING!!!

Categories: sculpture, summer camp

So my Summer Camp kids are rushing towards the end of their week with me… which means tomorrow is finishing touches on their sculptures!!! Followed by their SCULPTURE GALLERY SHOW at 3:00pm tomorrow afternoon. They’ve worked hard on their pieces all week and are anxious to show-off their talents.

Categories: summer camp

As they get closer to finishing their sculptures, my Summer Campers this week would like to invite you another SCULPTURE GALLERY SHOW! Come see their birdhouses & oversized sculptures this Friday afternoon from 3:00-3:30pm at Lillstreet Art Center!

Categories: summer camp

And as always… Rule #3… if you make the mess, you WILL be cleaning it up! Rosie was a trooper… and cleaned up her mess on the floor, and then just kept on going! Fun with the sponge… wiping the floor & sliding on her knees!