Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: clay, process, studio

After a fun day outside, I finally made it into the studio to tackle that pile of reclaim clay I had set out a few days ago. Still a bit gooey, but with some wedging, layering, stacking & squishing, I finally got it all packed away into plastic bags. The “real” wedging will happen when I actually get ready to make pots with this FREE CLAY!!!

Categories: clay, process, studio

One last batch of reclaim clay… just felt right taking 2018’s trimmings
and making new clay for 2019. Starting the New Year off right
with another batch of “free” clay!

Categories: clay, studio

Crunching up some more dry clay… reclaiming scraps to turn back into fresh clay
so I can make more pots! And it’s always more fun to make things with FREE CLAY!!!

Categories: art fair, lillstreet, pottery, studio

Fun night at the Lillstreet Holiday Opening tonight. So many fun people to chat with.
Many of them doing some holiday shopping. Some getting gifts for others…
many getting gifts for themselves!!!

Categories: studio

GOOD NEWS!!! I finally have overhead lighting back in my studio!
I CAN SEE AGAIN!!! And it only took a two and a half weeks to be fixed?!!!

Categories: studio

It’s another dark morning in the studio. Seems as though my ceiling light has STILL not been fixed by my “landlord.” He did drop off a new LED fixture… but it’s not doing me much good sitting down there near the floor.

Categories: glaze, process, production, studio

Still no working ceiling light fixture in my studio…
so glazing “in the dark” tonight ought to be interesting, huh?!!!

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamps, studio

Came into the studio last night to find that my overhead studio light has decided to completely stop working!!! So today I’m trying to get a lot done with some dramatic “mood” lighting… and will be until the fixture gets fixed!!!

Categories: clay, studio

After a couple crazy weeks of getting ready for ART IN THE BARN, it felt great to be back in the studio “calmly” cleaning up, re-organizing and setting out another large batch of reclaimed clay!

Categories: studio, tools

So it’s been a BUSY week. With ART IN THE BARN this weekend,
I had to keep my head down and focus if I want to get my new Halloween Ghouls done.
Lots of handbuilt accents & details… a lot of scoring & slipping!!!
