As part of the commission project, the request was to make the stamped patterns be geometric shapes chosen by the eventual recipients of the mugs! They’re going to go to the Groom’s bridal party & friends… so they each got to choose their own “favorite” geometric shape. To make that happen, I needed to make some new stamps! Circle. Triangle. Line. Sphere. Hexagon. Circle & Line. Tetrahedron. Shamrock. Toroid… wait, what’s that???
As part of tonight’s Stamping Demo on ZOOM, I demonstrated on four different bowls adding a bit of texture & pattern to each of them. Here are the four demo bowls… followed by a few details shots, as well as pictures of the stamps that worked their magic!
Bowl #1 –
Bowl #2 –
Bowl #3 –
Bowl #4 –
Tonight I did my stamping demo on ZOOM as part of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR. We had a great time, answered a lot of questions, covered a lot of topics and stamped a couple bowls along the way! We thought it would be maybe 20 minutes… turned out a bit longer… almost a full hour longer!!! Like I said, we covered a LOT!!!
As part of the Pottery Tour, they’re hosting free demos by several of the Potters… all you need to do is register for free on the website! More of demos tomorrow –
Just over an hour until I start my ZOOM demo as part of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR. It’s totally free for anyone who wants to join me. I’ll be showing you how I add stamped textures & patterns to my wheelthrown bowls… and answering questions at the same time! Yep, that’s me multi-tasking!!!
All you need to do is quickly register FREE online to get the ZOOM code… and then join me in my studio at 8:00pm CST. Hope to see you then!!! –
Tomorrow is the big kick-off of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR! Check-out the website for information, artist links & to register for FREE POTTERY DEMOS!!!
We have twenty-one potters on The Tour, many of which will be doing free demos. I will be in my studio tomorrow night doing a demo on how I uses handmade stamps to add texture to my pottery. If you would like to join me in my studio, you just need to register online to get the ZOOM link for all of the demos… plus, you’ll also be registered in a drawing for some free pottery by our Tour Hosts!!!
FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, 2021 @ 8:00pm CSTMore info at
Last week in my Beginning Wheelthrowing class, we threw larger bowls. And then last night, we did a bit of stamping on the same larger bowl demo piece. My students have already made bowls & made their own stamps… now they just need to put it all together!
Today I did a bit of stamping… surprise, surprise… and added a row of textured fun to the oversized flower pot I made in my ADVANCED WHEELTHROWING class last night. Next up… trimming, flashing slip and a water drip tray!
Another platter. Another stamp. And what happens when they meet up in the studio. Sure, it could have stayed plain & smooth… but why?! The stamped texture is so much more fun!!!
Perfect for another Texture Tuesday!!!
Last week in my SURFACE DECORATION TECHNIQUES class, we tackled the traditional Korean technique of sanggam.
SANGGAM : The delicate technique of sanggam involves etching the desired motifs on the dry clay body and filling in the carved space with black and/or white slip, after which the translucent glaze is applied and the vessel fired.
I wanted to pre-prep my demo piece in advance, so I started by stamping a pattern in a platter made with brown stoneware. I used a few of my pre-existing handmade stamps. To be quite honest… this is my first time ever trying this technique, so I wanted to keep it kinda simple. Maybe more like a “mandala” kind of stamped pattern. I tried to keep it pretty clean & organized… with some “deep” stamps to help with the white slip that was still to come!!!
Tonight in my Beginner’s pottery class, we tackled throwing plates again… and then BY POPULAR DEMAND we made some stamps for them to use next week! It was all their idea… really… I was just there to encourage & teach!!! Let the addiction begin…