Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps, wheelthrowing

Another batch of cylinders on their way to becoming MUGS!!!
Of course they needed to be stamped… soon to be trimmed and have their handles
attached. Until then… they’re just kinda pretty cylinders!!!

Cylinder #1 –

Cylinder #2 –

Cylinder #3 –

Cylinder #4 –

Cylinder #5 –

Cylinder #6 –

Cylinder #7 –

Cylinder #8 –

Cylinder #9 –

Cylinder #10 –

Cylinder #11 –

Cylinder #12 –


Categories: classes, stamps, tools

We’re in our third week of my Beginning Wheel class. They’re moving along nicely, but at some point they’re going to be ready to start decorating… and “quite possibly” do a little stamping. So last night in class we sat down to have them make some new stamps for themselves to use. Of course they  need to dry and be bisque fired first. But then they’ll get to play with texture & pattern. Two of my FAVORITE things!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

Another night of stamping. Another night of making mugs… my favorite.
Lots of stamping. Lots of patterns. Lots of repetition!!!
So now they’re stamped… tomorrow I plan on adding handles & colored flashing slip!

Mug One

Mug Two

Mug Three

Mug Four

Mug Five

Mug Six

Mug Seven

Mug Eight

Mug Nine

Mug Ten … whoops, I forgot to get a shot of the stamps???


Mug Eleven … again, really???…  I forgot to get a shot of the stamps again???

And then to make matters even worse… I forgot to take photos of Mug Twelve all together!!!


Categories: classes, stamped, stamps, textures

Not to be outdone… when Michelle saw Allison stamping her plate in class,
she decided to go for it too!!! It was a great night of stamping fun for my students
in class Tuesday night! Allison & Michelle have the bug… it’s a slippery-slope
down that stamping hole. Get ready for a sweet ride!



Categories: classes, stamped, stamps, textures

Tuesday night in my Wheelthrowing Class, one of my returning students needed a way to decorate her plate… and decided to tackle stamping of the rim. Wonder where she got THAT idea?!… and I wonder where this stamping-prodigy has been hiding all this time? Allison’s plate turned out BEAUTIFULLY!!! I think she might be onto something here…

Categories: platters, process, stamped, stamps, textures

Another night working with “dramatic task lighting” in my studio…
only benefit being that the photos have great contrast to show off the stamped textures!!!
So here’s a sneak peek at the “before & after” on another stoneware platter…
and the tools that made the textures & patterns!


Categories: bowls, patterns, process, stamped, stamps

After Tuesday’s “not-so-basic-bowls” class demo… I felt that the bowls might “need” just a little more embellishment. A little stamping here. A little finessing there. Cause after all… MORE IS MORE. So here are some quick pics of the bowls… and the stamps that did all of the magic!

So for now they’re back under plastic for another night…
back tomorrow to trim the bottoms!


Categories: stamps, studio, tools

Fresh from the bisque kiln… and ready to go!!! Can’t wait to see what sort of patterns I get with this fresh new batch of handmade stamps!!!

Categories: bowls, process, stamped, stamps, YouTube

And if you want to see how I prefer to make a SUPER bowl…
click here for a stamping process video on my YouTube Channel.
But if you want to see some teaser photos first…

Categories: classes, stamps

Towards the end of class Tuesday night, we had a little “free time” to sit around, chat and make a bunch of new stamps. Once bisqued, I can’t wait to see what magic my students make with their new stamps!