Last night I finished off the latest batch of mugs with some final accents & detailing with colored flashing slips. So now they’re drying before they go into a bisque kiln… and then glazed… and then into the soda kiln where these flashing slips will change colors as they get hit with the flames & the soda atmosphere!
So I spent part of the day today stamping my latest batch of cylinders destined to become MUGS!!! You know they’re my favorite thing to make… and my “default” if I don’t have a real plan going into the studio! So it was a good day… lots of stamping… lots of patterns… lots of FUN!!!
And making it a little “extra” fun… these are the first cylinders that I’ve stamped using the new batch of stamps I made a couple weeks ago! It’s always fun to see what patterns they actually make after bisque firing… both as single stamps, as well as in multiple repetitions!
Mug A
Mug B
Mug C
Mug D
Mug E
Mug F
Mug G
Mug H
Mug I
Mug J
Mug K
Mug L
Mug K
And for now they’re all under wraps for the night. I hope to get them trimmed tomorrow… and quite possible get some handles on them too!!!
Working in the studio tonight doing a little stamping.
Looks like more mugs in the making. Go figure.
It’s another Texture Tuesday… and another two-fer!
One in the studio and one at the Conservatory.
Kicking off 2020 with TWENTY new handmade stamps!!!
Okay, so each one has a different stamp pattern on each end…
so maybe that makes it “twenty-twenty�! Well, that’s my story any ways!!
Stamping up another batch of small cups & tea bowls.
Adding texture as my Holiday Home Show is just two weeks away!!!
MY HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS : Saturday, November 23rd & Sunday, November 24th
So I just sub taught Lisa’s Sunday morning pottery class… where we did my favorite “Demo On Demand.†We tackled stamping bowls, throwing off the hump, lidded casseroles… and sharing all of the tricks & tips I could pull out along the way. So much fun… those three hours just flew by!!!
Another large stamped platter and the tools that did “most’ of the work.
Sure, it’s a LOT of individual impressions one after another…
but the final result is pretty darn cool.
Another platter stamped… all done with just one stamp pressed in over & over & over again!
Did I mention over & over?… again & again???
Spending some of Saturday stamping again! Like this large platter from last Tuesday’s class demo! Before & after… and the stamp that did all the magic!