Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

While I was at it tonight… I also stamped a larger flower pot… which was my “demo-on-demand” demo request Tuesday night before we did the bowls!!! Thanks Christy!

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, studio

Doing a little more stamping in the studio. It’s been awhile since I’ve done a full platter like this… what with the pandemic and all… but it does feel good to be re-focused, back to teaching, and back on track!

Categories: stamps

Looks like “someone” was paying attention during my online Stamp-Making Workshop a few weeks back… as these seem to be the result. Some wonderful stamps & patterns… I can’t wait to see what you make with them Darcy!!!

Categories: classes, mugs, stamps

Tonight my Beginning Wheelthrowing students tackled trimming, handles, mugs & stamp-making! It was a busy class… and they’ve now completed their first mugs!!! And it’s only Week #2!!! They’re off to a good start.

Categories: process, production, stamped, stamps

Adding a few stamps, textures & patterns to my latest batch of flower pots. Handmade stamps for handmade pots… pressed in one, by one, by one…

Categories: stamped, stamps, textures, totem pole

Stamping just one cylinder is fun, but stamping a whole table full of them is AMAZING!!! So much fun seeing these pieces transform with new textures & patterns!

Categories: classes, lillstreet, stamps, workshop

Well, not quite as much fun as teaching face-to-face, but it did feel good to “teach” again as I just finished teaching my first “official” ceramics workshop on ZOOM for Lillstreet Art Center! It was a one-hour workshop on making clay stamps… from my studio. A little jittery at times as I tilted by laptop screen up & down for demos… but I’m sure these ZOOM classes will get smoother if we need to keep doing them for much longer!

Categories: stamps, television, workshop, YouTube

Getting ready to teach my first online workshop for Lillstreet Art Center… CLAY STAMP MAKING! Okay, so I may be showing my age here… but I just can’t get THIS out of my head! And you can thank me now… for I’m sure it will be stuck in your head now too for your next ZOOM Meeting online!

And… you’re welcome!!!

Categories: patterns, stamped, stamps, textures

Making another TEXTURE TUESDAY happen in the studio.
Just stamping that “replacement” piece I had to make after Sunday’s ZOOM debacle!

Categories: classes, lillstreet, stamps

Little bit of good news though… if anyone is interested to find out how I make my own clay stamps, I will be teaching a one-hour “Making Clay Stamps” workshop a week from tomorrow as Lillstreet Art Center will be going “virtual” for some workshops & classes. So if you want to make some stamps with me, or learn a whole new “craft” while under quarantine, check-out the online classes being offered at Lillstreet!

Click here for the link to my “Making Clay Stamps” Workshop.