Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: clay, mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

So I’ve been stamping another batch of mugs! A little “something” different as they wre made with a new kind of clay. A tilemaker friend of mine bought some new clay and didn’t like how it “felt” when he started using it. And then when he fired his tiles, they all cracked during the firing. So he believes there might be something wrong with the clay?! He passed it on to me to give it a try… and here I did. I will agree it felt a little goopey & sticky… a little more finicky… but ultimately I made some cylinders for mugs. It was a little tougher to get them to stand up & hold their shape. But I’m sure I’ll get used to it… as he’s planning on passing his “bad” clay onto me!!! Bring it on… CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!

Mug 1 – before & after…

Mug 2 – before & after…

Mug 3 – before & after…

Mug 4 – before & after…

Mug 5 – before & after…

Mug 6 – before & after…

Mug 7 – before & after…

Mug 8 – before & after…

Mug 9 – before & after…

So for now

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps

Just doin’ a bit of stamping again… on another batch of mugs again! Handmade stamps making textures & patterns on handmade mugs!

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps

So after a full day of playing hooky in the perfectly beautiful outdoors… I did feel a tiny tinge of guilt… so I stopped by the studio to do a little stamping… and then THIS happened!!!!

So I just finished stamping another large platter.
One “magical” stamp doing most of the work!!!

Starting with just one line along the perimeter…

And if one line looks good… why not make it TWO?!!!

Two is good… but let’s go all the way with FOUR!!!

And here’s the handmade clay stamp that did “all” of the work!!!

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamped, stamps

Spent a little time making some more bowls. They’ve were thrown yesterday and kept under-wraps overnight. So today they were just a little too damp to stamp. But after leaving them set out for a half hour or so, they were good to go. So I did some stamping… because I’m addicted… and because MORE IS MORE!!!

So here they are… before… after… and the stamp that did most of the work!!!








So for now, they’re all back under plastic so they can dry a bit slower. They still need to be trimmed & dried… and then bisque fired… glazed… and fired again! Still a ways to go – but they’re looking pretty good so far!

Categories: process, production, stamped, stamps, studio

MUG UPDATE: Trimmed, but not handled.
TEST TILES: I got a little side-tracked tonight by starting a new batch of test tiles. A friend gave me a new clay body to try out… and I’ve been wanting to make new test tiles for some of my studio glazes. Apparently tonight was the night to get the project started. Not like I’ve had a couple “free” months to work on this…

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps

During class last Saturday, I showed my students how to throw dinner plates. My demo piece has been under plastic in my studio… and it was finally time to do a bit of stamping!!!

I also showed my Saturday students how to throw a larger platter… which gives you more space to decorate! More space, MORE STAMPING!!!…

And you know my motto… more is more!!!

Categories: classes, mugs, stamped, stamps

After I stamped the demo platter, Olivia felt inspired… and ready to tackle her first stamping project. So she borrowed one of my “favorite” stamps and made a double ring around her newest mug! I told her to be careful… it’s a very slippery-slope!

Categories: classes, platters, stamped, stamps

And then…. almost as if it were a Martha Stewart cooking show… I switched out the platter to one I had thrown a couple days ago to prepare for the demo. This one was a bit stiffer – the wetter-side of leatherhard I like to call it. And then we did a stamping demo on the platter using one stamp for most of it, and then a couple little details along the rim! Fun demo for everyone!!!

Categories: bowls, process, production, stamped, stamps, summer camp

So I squeezed in a little stamping between sunrise & summer camp this morning! I’ve still got a few more bowls to stamp… but I had to go quick as my campers were arriving soon!!! Happy that I got one done at least… stamped one-by-one-by-one… and the stamp that did all the work!!!

Categories: process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

While I was at it tonight… I also stamped a larger flower pot… which was my “demo-on-demand” demo request Tuesday night before we did the bowls!!! Thanks Christy!