Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, pottery, process, production, soda-fired, stamped

Okay, so I’ve been a little busy with unloading my soda kiln, scraping shelves, kiln washing the shelves, teaching & Summer Camping!!! So here are a few “delayed” shots from Monday night’s unloading. I’m pretty pleased with all of the bright pops of color throughout! So glad that soda-firing does not have to be all gray & brown all the time!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

So this is what happens when you accidentally break off a lantana blossom while watering on the back porch… and then you just happen to have the perfect mini vase for it too!!!

Categories: kiln firing, pottery, process, production, soda-fired, stamped

Another “sneaky-peek” as start to unbrick the soda kiln. It was tough to wait… but I had Summer Campers all day who had to learn how to throw on the wheel (in three hours?) More fun with them tomorrow… but now they’re gone so I’m hoping to unload before I teach again tonight!!! Fingers crossed… so far so good!!!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production, stamped

Starting off today with a batch of mugs that need to be glazed & wadded. I’ve applied a layer of tenmoku glaze into all of the stamped impressions to help accentuate the textures & patterns. Now to wipe it off… leaving the glaze inlaid in the stamps!

Categories: bowls, classes, stamped, wheelthrowing

This past Monday night in my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class, we discussed how to throw with a bit more “intention”… and how to approach throwing “matching sets.” I offered up a few options… as one of their class challenges is to bring two “matching” bowls to our final class as few weeks from now! One of my best suggestions is to throw a few extras that are “similar” and then decorate & trim them to make them match even more… and then pick the two that match the best!!! I went with four… hoping to get two that match!!!

Categories: art fair, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

A little stamping… a little trimming… and a few accents of colored flashing slips! One step closer… so far, so good. Looking forward to the “Big Reveal” at ART IN THE GARDEN in mid-September! Mark your calendars for September 9th & 10th in Glenview, Illinois.

Categories: mugs, patterns, production, stamped, textures, tools

“Hybrid mugs” assembled, trimmed & handled… and the MKM Pottery Tools that did most of the hard work. Sure, I might have had a tiny-something to do with it too?! But having good tools always makes it more fun!!!

Categories: garden, soda-fired, stamped, totem pole

Looks like it’s TOTEM TUESDAY! And it looks like Gerry & Rosene’s garden is doing great this summer… beautiful flowers all around their totem pole. Stamped & soda-fired pottery is always a nice addition to the garden!

Categories: kiln firing, process, production, stamped

I realized it’s been awhile since I’ve shown off a loaded bisque kiln. So here’s the one I just loaded tonight… with more MUGS than I thought I had made?! I sort of love when you can get everything in… even if you need to turn things on their side to fit them “just-under” the lid!!!

Layer One –

Layer Two –

Layer Three –

Layer Four –

Layer Four just “under-the-lid”…
with some oval vases turned on their sides so they would fit in!

Categories: bowls, food, stamped

Looks like a “Sunday-Sundae-Funday” for Rosene!!!