Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Sometimes a single flower can be enough.
Big impact from a homegrown dahlia in a handmade ikebana vase.

Categories: classes, food, platters, stamped

Pretty plates for a tasty potluck… Monday night we celebrated our last class of the session with a yummy potluck. I brought the chocolate mousse cake, while Kristen made chocolate chip cookies! Food always tastes better on handmade pottery!!!

Categories: art fair, collaborations, mosaic, stamped

About a year ago during ART IN THE GARDEN 2022, I gave our mosaic artist Kristin Conneely a few “parts & pieces” with a challenge for her to work her “mosaic magic” as some collaboration projects for ART IN THE GARDEN 2023. She’s had plenty of time to work on them… so I can’t wait to see what she’s done & to share some pictures with you! I’m sure they’re going to be STUNNING… because she’s pretty amazing herself!!!

Categories: lidded jars, production, stamped

Here’s the latest batch of lidded jars on my wedging table. Kinda cute with their little finial knobs… actually wheelthrown onto the lid after trimming it dome-smooth!

Categories: classes, food, platters, stamped

My contribution to the potluck party was “inspired” by Martin’s love of CORN!!! Since he used corn as a main ingredient in a couple of his bakes, I thought it was only fitting to make Cornbread Cupcakes with Cream Corn Buttercream Frosting! Sure, they might not of been the tastiest of treats… but I think I got huge bonus points for following the corny theme!!!

Categories: platters, stamped, surface decoration, textures

Not a lot of studio time between teaching Summer Camp all day & teaching my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class tonight… but I did find enough time to stamp another large platter! One stamp at a time… over & over & over again!!!

Categories: production, stamped, studio

So while I’m “off my bike” for the day… and it’s killin’ me… at least I’ve been productive in the studio! Plenty of throwing, trimming & lots of stamping! It’s all good… as long as I don’t look outside! HA!

Categories: food, holiday, stamped

Time to toast some marshmallows! Today is NATIONAL S’MORES DAY!!! And you know how I love to “celebrate “ these holidays! But this time I mixed it up a bit… switching out the milk chocolate bar for a dark chocolate peanut butter cup. I “think” it was pretty good… I might need to “try it again” to really decide?!!

Yep… yummy, melty gooeyness!!!

Categories: process, production, stamped, tools

I mean, who doesn’t like pottery with power tools?! Just drilling some holes through a couple new berry bowls… so much faster, so much louder!!!

Categories: bowls, food, stamped

On my way home tonight, I stopped off at my local Farmer’s Market. Grabbed some fresh-picked blueberries & more. Beautiful in the late afternoon sun… but even prettier in a handmade pottery bowl!