Still coming down… with predictions for even more!!!
It’s a beautiful Winter Wonderland out there…
as long as you don’t need to travel very far in it?!
Stay warm. Stay safe!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Still coming down… with predictions for even more!!!
It’s a beautiful Winter Wonderland out there…
as long as you don’t need to travel very far in it?!
Stay warm. Stay safe!
The snow is still coming down & the wind is picking up!!!
Fun playing outside… gonna need to shovel again later…
which means more hot chocolate…
which means more MARSHMALLOWS!!!
Yeah, and… ???
I see nothing wrong here… like myself, he knows it’s cold outside… that’s why he’s wearing socks with his shoes… saving his sandals for when the snow stops coming down!!! I totally get it.
Welcome to the club my friend!!!
We might have blue skies & plenty of sun now…
but the snow isn’t melting anytime soon!
Too much snow to bike, but perfect for hiking along the lakefront. Layers of snow, piled up “glaciers” & slushy “icebergs” in the lake. The sunrise was not so amazing, but everything else about my morning hike was!
After my snowy stroll, the REAL work began! Digging out my car so I can drive tomorrow! I finished it in two “back-breaking” sessions… good sweaty workout… I kinda like shoveling snow!!! I don’t need to do it all that often, and I get a great sense of accomplishment when it’s done. Now I just hope we don’t get too much more snow… and that it doesn’t get too windy overnight!!!
A wonderfully snowy day… perfect for a little “snow-trudging” stroll through the neighborhood. We got a LOT of heavy snow overnight, and more throughout the day. Picture-perfect snow covering pretty much everything!!!
More natural textures still dusted with a bit of snow
at Lillstreet Art Center… perfect for a little Texture Tuesday!
I love when the freshly-fallen snow sticks to every branch & fence… covering the City in a beautiful blanket of white. Typically it disappears pretty quick… but NOT today! It’s still a Winter Wonderland out there!!!
It’s a beautiful snow-covered day in Chicago! Looking out my kitchen window to see my back porch “curtain” of rusty gears under a new blanket of snow! A good day to go hiking through the snow… or to curl up under a blanket on the sofa! Either way, enjoy the snowy day!!!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |