Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature, seasons

Beautiful orange hosta leaves with some golden maple leaves
spotted with raindrops.

Categories: flowers, nature, seasons

Looks like the last of the hydrangeas are fading & browning on the bush. Perfect for another natural Texture Tuesday!


Categories: color, nature, seasons

Fun colors & textures… once green leaves changing to beautiful reds on the Burning Bush… and a warm golden yellow on the Solomon’s Seal. Always fun to see my front yard garden change colors though the seasons.

Unfortunately… the next season is snow!!!

Categories: nature, seasons

Beautiful ivy climbing the wall showing off its Fall colors…
nicely contrasted with the white trellis.

Categories: nature, seasons

Summer is definitely over… Fall is here… and the leaves are already falling! I don’t mind Fall, I kind of enjoy the autumnal colors & the cooler weather. But I would like it to last a lot longer before the cold Winter weather settles in!

Categories: nature, seasons

A little pop of Fall color on the bushes…
as the leaves are just starting to change colors!

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

Today is the first official day of Fall. I’m still struggling to hang onto Summer a little longer. But the cold rainy day today & leaves already changing color isn’t helping any! Too soon…

Categories: nature, seasons

Now I’m a fan Fall as much as the next guy… what with its pumpkins, gourds & mums. But c’mon… I just stopped off at the grocery store on my way to Summer Camp and they have a full-on display already happening!!! It’s September 2nd!!! I’m still in Summer-mode!!!!

Categories: classes, holiday, seasons, wheelthrowing

For some reason, a couple of the folks in my Advanced Wheelthrowng class are all about making holiday pieces in class?!… and you know I’m always up for a challenge. They want to get a head-start on them so that they’re ready for the holidays to come… instead of rushing last-minute & waiting for kiln firings at the end. So last week in class we tackled wheelthrown pumpkins… next up?… CHRISTMAS TREES!!!

Categories: bowls, flowers, friends, seasons, stamped

And for those who don’t do Easter at all… HAPPY SPRING!
It’s still a perfect chance to appreciate the warmer weather, the new spring growth & the early flowers popping up everywhere! Here’s an amazing collection of hellebores gathered by my friend Yuki presented & floating in one of my stamped bowls. I love the colors, textures & patterns of Yuki’s collection – thanks for sharing!!!