Pretty little flowers in the garden with their intoxicating scent.
It’s Lily-Of-The-Valley season!!!
Seems like the cooler weather we’re having this Spring is helping the magnolia trees hold onto their flowers a bit longer. I’m okay with that… at least there’s some benefit to all these cooler rainy weekends?!
Celebrating a little bit of EARTH DAY today with admiration & appreciation of the beautiful Spring flowers along the bike trail this morning. Crab apple blossoms to start your Saturday… and your Earth Day! So go outside… and see something beautiful in nature!
I’m celebrating the FIRST DAY OF SPRING with a beautiful sunrise bike ride. Finally, some blue skies & colorful clouds to brighten my morning. I’m tired of gray… I’m tired of Winter… and I am fully embracing Spring!!!
This morning I was excited about my iris shoots popping up! But then at Navy Pier this afternoon… I spied these colorful crocus flowers bursting through everywhere!!! A fun surprise… considering we still have chances for snow! And the first day of Spring is not until Monday!!! Even the bees were out enjoying the sunshine today!
Although we’re still dealing with cold temperatures, snow flurries & freezing rain… seemingly changing on a daily basis… it is encouraging to see little sprouts of my variegated iris working their way through in the garden. Spring is coming!!!
A little worse for wear…
loving the colors & textures of weathered wood after a long Winter season.
Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter. As seen through the eyes of the “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS.” So much fun to work on a large collaboration project with your Talented Friends! Each interpreting the theme in their own way using their own mediums & talents. Always exciting when a good plan comes together!
A bit rainy & slushy today… but not too much accumulation in the City. So does this still count as our first official snowfall of the season???
Hanging on… a couple bright spots this morning! There’s still a few flowers blooming out there, but you’ve gotta look for them!!! The sunflower’s loving a bit of sunshine… but the dandelion seems a bit confused? What season is this again???