Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: rusty

A cloudy day for a drive to Central Illinois for some Fourth of July Festivities! And my favorite roadside barn that I’ve been passing for years on my way to college… that is definitely showing its age. It will a sad day when it finally comes down! But until then…

Categories: nature, rusty

Crusty rusty metal & mossy green lichens. What’s not to like?!
I love when Mother Nature takes over and does her own thing!

Categories: rusty

These two days of frozen tundra weather in Chicago have sure been a workout for our “vintage” heating system. I mean, I love the old radiators in my condo… but this on & off thing… there’s got to be a better way. Thankfully, we’ve added a few more segments of “ON” to get us through the cold snap! It doesn’t usually look this crazy!!! HA!!!

Categories: collaborations, platters, porcelain, process, production, rusty, sgraffito

A quick layer of black underglaze makes stark contrast with the white porcelain clay. Just making a few more pieces for Amy Taylor to play with… she’s doing some fun sgraffito sketches on the black areas specifically for ART IN THE GARDEN. It’s my next art fair in Glenview where many of the artists work together on special one-of-a-kind collaborations! This is just one… I have a few more collaborations “under wraps” to share soon… but first, time to go teach my Beginner’s class!!!

For more information, click here –

Categories: art fair, rusty, Uncategorized

Need another reason to come to Sandwich this weekend?…

Well, on Sunday, the Sandwich Antique Flea Market is open too! Just a few blocks from Cory’s studio… so stop by for some pottery… and then head over for some rusty crusty flea market fun!!!

For more information

Categories: architecture, rusty

Looks like a strong wind must have come through… and sadly,
it looks like my favorite rustic roadside barn is starting to fall apart?!

Categories: rusty

You know how I LOVE rusty metal… so this turned out to be a fun stop during my drive home from Minnesota yesterday! Part of the fun of a good road trip… being able to stop to explore the local “attractions” as a fun diversion along the way!

Categories: Chicago, rusty
Categories: rusty

Hanging out & enjoying holiday time with friends… hoping the holidays linger on a few more days… and the first snow just feels right!

Categories: rusty

Fueling my rusty metal addiction this morning.