Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, pumpkins

Last night in my Intermediate Wheel pottery class, we started a new session and I had no planned demo for the first night. So I left it open for a fun “demo-on-demand” night… and they asked for PUMPKINS!!! Easy for me… I’ve made “a few”!! But we did have to speed it along a bit to “pumpkintize” them in class when the thrown spheres were wetter than I usually do. It worked… but they’re a bit frumpier, glumpier & I’m kinda diggin’ it!!! We might be onto something here?!

Categories: production, pumpkins

And speaking of pumpkins… this was my night last night after the art fair…
a late night making more pumpkins for ART IN THE BARN!!!

Categories: art fair, pumpkins

You may have heard a “rumor” here on my social media… that this weekend is ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview. I’m all set-up & re-stocked for Day Two… including the pumpkin patch that was “fully harvested” yesterday!!! So… MORE pumpkins today!!!