Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production

A little last-minute “pumpkintizing” going on in the studio… painting them with some smooth orange flashing slip in preparation for this weekend’s soda kiln firing.

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, platters, porcelain, process, production, sgraffito, tools

So I gave some porcelain platters & bowls to Amy Taylor with a band of black underglaze around the rims. I also gave her a couple of my favorite DiamondCore Tools for her to play with. Looks like she’s been doing some amazing sgraffito work for our collaboration pieces for ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview. We’re all trying to finish up our collaborations as we’re just a week and a half away… mark you calendars for September 9th & 10th!

Click here for more info –

Categories: mugs, process, production, surface decoration, textures

It might be kinda late… but I’m feeling really great about getting all of these handles attached! One step closer to getting these “hybrid” mugs in the soda kiln this weekend… oh wait... colored slip, dry, bisque, glaze, wad, load… a lot of steps still to go!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Score, slip, attached… repeat.
And repeat, repeat, repeat… and repeat again!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Handles pulled the traditional way… and then looped-over so they can start to set-up with the curve already established.

Categories: mugs, process, production

Time to pull some handles…

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, textures

Mugs assembled…still have to a good bit of trimming & refining. And then the ever-popular task of adding handles to all of them. Eyes on the PRIZE!!! It looks like it’s going to be a very long night finishing up these hybrid mugs!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamps, surface decoration, tools

Just pulled out some of my MKM Pottery Tools hand rollers to help make some groovy cool textures! Doing a couple quick “test rolls” to figure out which rollers to use on this batch of hybrid mugs!

Categories: process, production, wheelthrowing

Hoping to crank out one last batch of hybrid mugs… quick, quick, quick!!!
Fingers crossed that I can get them done in time for next weekend’s soda kiln?!!!

Categories: collaborations, platters, porcelain, process, production, rusty, sgraffito

A quick layer of black underglaze makes stark contrast with the white porcelain clay. Just making a few more pieces for Amy Taylor to play with… she’s doing some fun sgraffito sketches on the black areas specifically for ART IN THE GARDEN. It’s my next art fair in Glenview where many of the artists work together on special one-of-a-kind collaborations! This is just one… I have a few more collaborations “under wraps” to share soon… but first, time to go teach my Beginner’s class!!!

For more information, click here –