Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, mugs, pottery, studio

Today’s the day to celebrate SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY! Come out, shop & support the small businesses in your neighborhood. And if you’re near Lillstreet Art Center in Chicago… I will be in my studio selling mugs today until 6:00pm! It’s the perfect gift for a friend, a co-worker, family or even yourself!!!

Lillstreet Art Center – Second floor – 205 West, 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago

Categories: art fair, friends, pottery

And a special THANK YOU shout-out to my friend Sharon who made a great Instagram post about her trip to my place! She’s a real estate agent showing off her photography skills. Capturing a lot of my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW… as I didn’t quite have the time to do it myself!!! Thanks Sharon!

And if you didn’t make it… see what you missed?!!! HA!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery

A HUGE holiday Thank You to everyone who made it to my place this weekend for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. It was the perfect weekend for everyone to start their holiday shopping. So much fun hanging out & chatting with everyone in the comfort of my own home! A lot of pottery found its way to new homes… but there’s still plenty more where that came from. I’ve been very busy!

So… if you missed this weekend… or just need to do some more holiday shopping… I will be doing another HOLIDAY HOME SHOW on December 16th & 17th. The shelves will be replenished and my friend & talented metalsmith Amy Taylor will be joining me for both days!

Categories: art fair, pottery

And don’t forget the HOLIDAY HOME SHOW bargains on the back porch!!! It’s my annual “Tired of Shlepping Sale”!!! Lots of class demos, seconds & things I’m just tired of shlepping around to the art fairs! Big discounts while they last!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

Morning light streaming through the dining room windows… shedding light on lots of pottery all prepped & ready for this weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. And that’s just one wall… it’s everywhere in every room! So stop by my condo today or tomorrow from 10:00am-6:00pm! Time to start your holiday gift shopping!!!

Categories: classes, food, platters, pottery, stamped

Tonight was the last class for my Beginning Wheelthrowing class… celebrating again with a potluck & a “trading-stealing-exchanging” game. Category for the trade was a “not-so-basic bowl”. While the theme for our potluck was “Dips And The Vehicle To Get Them In Your Mouth .”

I decided to up-my-game, and yet stay brand loyal… with Hot Cocoa OREO’s and a fluffy Hot Cocoa Dip!!! A double whammy of yummy goodness!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery, special events

Time to start making your lists.. .and checking them twice! Hard to believe that next weekend is already my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! With pottery in every room of my condo all decked-out for Christmas, food & drink in the kitchen… and the ever-popular “Tired Of Schlepping Sale” on the back porch! So mark your calendars… while I’m busy in the studio & at home getting everything ready for another BIG Holiday Home Show!!! And bring your festive friends…

Categories: art fair, pottery

Count them if you don’t believe me! Even scarier… it’s just TWO FRIDAYS until my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Yes, my annual pottery sale that is the perfect chance to kick-off your holiday gift shopping! I’ve got a lot to do in the studio before then, let alone setting it all up in my condo! Mark your calendars now… Saturday, November 18th & Sunday, November 19th from 10:00am-6:00pm. Start making your gift list, check it twice.. and bring a friend!!!

Categories: friends, platters, pottery

My friend Kristen who is currently a pottery collector, pottery lover & pottery student in my Monday night class… put together this wonderful stack of plates! The bottom “charger” plate is by my studio neighbor Karen Patinkin, my stamped green dinner plate in the middle… and then Kristen’s own blue spiraled salad plate on top! Not at all planned that way… but a BEAUTIFUL collection of plates. Different colors, different styles, from different times. And yet they look like they were meant to be this way!!!

Categories: food, holiday, pottery

Celebrating one of my favorite national holidays all-year long… today is NATIONAL CHOCOLATE DAY!!! You know, it’s one of my all-time favorites and it comes in so many varieties!!! How could I ever be expected to pick just one??? Tonight just happened to be CHOCOLATE CAKE!!! Celebrate!!!