Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

This week’s Mug Sale starts in just two hours on my Instagram page. But here’s a quick sneak peek in the same sequence they will be posted for sale… just in case you want to make a plan, choose in advance, get ready to pounce and prepare to snag the mug you want!!! I will start posting them at 12noon CST and will shoot for one every five minutes. So plan accordingly… when a mug is claimed, it’s gone… and no trading later when more come up!!!

When I post them on Instagram tomorrow, I’ll be sharing photos of each side of the mug so you can see the random variations created by soda-firing, as well as a photo of the mug in my hand for a size comparison.

Each mug will go for $55 which includes packing & shipping within the the contiguous US. So get ready… check out the selection & sequence right here. For the fun of MUG-SHOP MONDAY starts in two hours!!!

MUG #1 –

MUG #2 –

MUG #3 –

MUG #4 –

MUG #5 –

MUG #6 –

MUG #7 –

MUG #8 –

MUG #9 –

MUG #10 –

MUG #11 –

MUG #12 –

MUG #13 –

MUG #14 –

MUG #15 –

MUG #16 –

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Okay, so we’re just two hours away from the kick-off of this week’s MUG-SHOP MONDAY! Remember that I’m switching it up this week… and the sale will only be on my Instagram Feed. I’ll start at 12noon CST by posting photos of each mug and the first person who claims it gets it. Easy-peezy… except, do you pounce on the first one you like?… do you wait to see what the next mug will be?… but then you might miss out… or do you just buy them ALL???

Categories: porcelain, pottery, process, production

Sure, I still have some spoon rests in inventory…
Who knew everyone would be cooking so much at home these days??? All day. Every day. But had I somehow known about all of this COVID-19 craziness in advance & made a plan… I would have started making more spoon rests a lot sooner than tonight!!!

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Just a reminder that today is my first “MUG-SHOP MONDAY” to be posted on Facebook… just one hour away! Yep, I’ll be posting the “official” Photo Album on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook at 10:00am CST. The first person to claim a mug by leaving a comment of “MINE” gets it. And when they’re gone, they’re gone!!! These are just a few more “teaser” photos!

Categories: mugs, pottery

Okay, so we’ve all become so accustomed to Mugshot Monday…
so let’s try something new… as I’ll be switching it up a bit.
Why not make it a “Mug-SHOP Monday” for this coming Monday?!

Monday morning at 10:00am CST I will be posting a photo album on Facebook with a dozen handmade mugs that are going up for sale! I don’t do a lot of online selling… but I figure right about now you’ve gotten tired of that old, boring mug you’ve been sequestered with. Might be time for a NEW ONE!!!

So check out my Facebook Fire When Ready Pottery page
at 10:00am CST on Monday, March 30, 2020. The first person to claim a mug as “MINE” in the Comments section of each page of the Photo Album will get that mug! Each mug will be $55 which includes shipping & handling within the contiguous United States. Easy enough right?… presuming that USPS plays along and we’re still allowed to ship things out during this crisis!

So here’s a SNEAK PEAK of the twelve mugs going up for sale on Monday. Remember, there is no shopping from this preview…
that can only be done Monday morning on my Facebook page… click here!

Mug A –

Mug B –

Mug C –

Mug D –

Mug E –

Mug F –

Mug G –

Mug H –

Mug I –

Mug J –

Mug K –

Mug L –

Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends, porcelain, pottery

This afternoon on INSTAGRAM LIVE, I got to watch one of my former teachers Steve Lee working in his studio at The Archie Bray in Montana. He did a few demos of how he trims pieces on a chuck, carves his designs and inlays his colored slips. We also got a sneak peek of their soda kiln being loaded.

This social distancing is new for all of us, but in some weird way we’re getting to “see more” of everyone on social media. Weird, right?!

If you follow Archie Bray on INSTAGRAM, it sounds like they’re going to try doing these LIVE events every Friday afternoon during the pandemic. Check it out for a little more ceramic inspiration… and great diversion from all of that self-isolating going on!!!

Categories: artists, friends, pottery, workshop

If you’re looking for a little clay inspiration tomorrow while you’re still social distancing… I think you might want to watch these two Instagram Live videos. The first one will be at 2:00pm CST with my former teacher Steven Lee who is now the head-honcho at The Archie Bray!

The second one will be my pal Mikey Stumbras starting at 4:00pm CST. I know we’re all looking for good things to fill our days & spark our creative spirits. Here are two good ones! I know I’ll be watching both of them too!

Categories: artists, pottery, television

Cheers to the endings of the Pottery Throwdowns!!! The British TV Show aired its finale this week for “The Great Pottery Throw Down.” Click the link below to watch the final episode. Coincidentally, our LILLSTREET THROWDOWN “finale” class was this week also!!! We had a great class, great project, and GREAT FUN!!! More photos & stories to come… until then, see who won the British version!

Click here to watch the final episode on YouTube!

So their FINAL CHALLENGE was to build an entire tea set… based on the Alice In Wonderland stories. They each took a different approach, some more literal, some more whimsical, some more “handmade.”

And yes… HE CRIED AGAIN!!!
We love when Judge Keith breaks into tears…
but at the same time, kinda hate when he breaks into tears!
Enough already… sometimes IT”S JUST CLAY!

No. spoilers here… WHICH POTTER WILL WIN???
Will it be Matt?… or Rosa?… or Jacob?
You’ve got to watch to find out!!!

And yes… one of them will win the “big” POTTERY THROW DOWN trophy!!!

Categories: pottery, teaching

So I just watched this week’s episode… The Quarter Finals of THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN! Where we go from four potters to three. And then I realized that somehow I forget to post last week’s episode where we went from five to four! So here it is… with a fun outdoor pit firing, some sgraffito carving and another great wheelthrowing challenge!

Click here for the link to watch the episode on YouTube!

Categories: artists, pottery, television

And then if you’re going to binge-watch two episodes back-to-back, here’s a few images from this week’s episode of THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN. This episode is The Quarter Finals with their largest handbuilding project where some get “wet & messy”… as well as a little “wet & fussy” decorative spot challenge of underglaze transfers along the way! And then next week is The Final episode… WHOO-HOO!!!