Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, pottery, special events

While it’s still freezing in Chicago, it’s never to soon to start planning a fun pottery adventure for the warmer Spring days! So excited to see the newest poster arrive in my mailbox for the St. Croix Valley Pottery Tour up in Minnesota! So much fun to travel around to see pottery studios, potters & beautiful pottery everywhere! I’ll be up there touring & shopping… and you should too! Mark your calendars now…

Categories: food, friends, holiday, platters, pottery, stamped

Looks like I wasn’t the only one who made homemade chocolate chip cookies for New Years Eve! My friends Mike & Patty also made a batch… and served them on one of my stamped platters! As everyone knows that homemade food tastes even better on handmade pottery! Even Casey their boxer had his eye on them!

Categories: family, food, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

On a dark & rainy night, this homemade french onion soup looks AMAZING… baked in handmade pottery with ooey-gooey cheese melting all over the place. Thanks to my cousin Kim for sharing her homemade gooey-goodness with us!

Categories: holiday, pottery, soda-fired, stamped, textures, vases

Not a 100% sure what I’m “celebrating” today…
But I’ll be “boxing up” the remains of my Holiday Home Shows today! I’ve been “living in a store” in my condo for two months now. I can’t wait to start putting it all away to reclaim my space.

And again, with a HUGE “Thank You” to everyone who stopped by and made it a little easier for me to pack up now with a LOT less pottery on the shelves!!!

Categories: art fair, platters, pottery, stamped
Categories: bowls, food, platters, pottery

Today was the first day of my SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW.
Sure, we had a LOT of pottery & jewelry for everyone… but we also had plenty of snacks & treats. Yes, lots of handmade cookies, OREOs & chocolate… but we also had some veggies for those trying to be good. Food always tastes better when served on handmade pottery! More treats tomorrow…

Any guesses of which plates emptied first???

Categories: art fair, lillstreet, pottery

Mark your calendars… a quick pop-up Holiday Party at Lillstreet Art Center! Just two hours of festive fun next Friday night from 6:00-8:00pm. I’ll be in my studio with plenty of MUGS for everyone on your holiday gift list.

But if you’re looking for the full assortment, more pottery choices, snacks, decorations & sale discounts… remember my second HOLIDAY HOME SHOW is the following Saturday & Sunday at my condo!!!

Categories: food, friends, platters, pottery

For Kristen’s “First Dibs” Pottery Sale & Open House last night, she sent out electronic invitations… and reminders. But then she tempted me… err, I mean taunted me… with this photo. Yummy brownies on one of my platters!!! So… I had to go now, right?! It would have “rude” not to!!! HA!!!

Categories: artists, friends, My Talented Friends, pottery, surface decoration

So last night my longtime friend & pottery student Kristen had a little “First Dibs” party before launching her pottery website today! As a former metalsmith, it’s been fun watching her work in clay instead of metal. And seeing her skills & designs grow & evolve so quickly. You can tell she’s been listening to my lessons… especially my “More Is More” mantra! Congrats Kristen… so proud of you!!!

I came home with this little brown cup. Which was actually a class demo… that I offered for someone else to finish. Kristen was the first to claim it… and look what she did to my “plain” demo cylinder!!!

Categories: art fair, mugs, pottery

Today it’s all about MUGS in my studio… with over 75 mugs looking for good homes! Whether it’s your home or a friend’s… everyone lives a nice handmade mug! Stop by my studio today until 5:00pm to help support & celebrate SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY.