Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, pottery, process, production

Back stack packed & loaded… lots of pots already in the soda kiln.
And that’s just the back third of it!!!

Categories: glaze, pottery, process, production

Well, my studio cart is all glazed, wadded & full…

…with masking tape “seat belts” in place for the arduous journey downstairs via the rickety old freight elevator! Always hoping for no jumpers or speed bumps!!!

Categories: bowls, classes, pottery, surface decoration

Last night during my SURFACE DECORATION class, we tackled carving through wheelthrown bowls to make “baskets”… with the goal of carving at least HALF of the bowl’s weight away! Tougher than it sounds. You kinda need a good plan from the start or you’ll lose some structural integrity. And then when it becomes delicate towards the end… you need to remember to NOT over-work or over-wet it… or it might just come tumbling down!

And then when it becomes delicate towards the end… you need to remember to NOT over-work or over-wet it… or it might just come tumbling down!

Categories: art fair, artists, pottery

So excited to be part of this new Pottery Tour… featuring so many great potters! I wish we were doing it live & in-person this time… but with times being what they are, we’re online virtual this year. But look for us alive & in-person next summer!!! More details to come!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, My Talented Friends, pottery

Today’s MY day apparently! Excited to be today’s Featured Artist for the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR! We’re just a couple weeks away from our inaugural Pottery Tour… virtual this year, in-person from then on! June 18th, 19th & 20th.

Honored to be part of the Tour… along with several of My Talented Friends! Mark your calendars… and follow-along for more details @northernilpotterytour … as well as our new website

Categories: pottery

Gotta love some well-used pottery.
A dish drainer full of handmade functional pottery…
some new, some vintage, all loved.
Thanks for sharing Rosene & Gerry!

Categories: art fair, artists, pottery, special events

Well lookie here… there’s a lot of great potters getting together to put on a brand new NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR! Many of them I already know as “My Talented Friends”… the others I can’t wait to add to that list! So many potters, so many pots, so much talent all in one Pottery Tour. Going virtual this year June 18-20th… but looking forward to a full on-location Pottery Tour in 2022. More details to come… and check us out at

Categories: art fair, pottery

Happy to announce that I have been invited to be part of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR this year – June 18th, 19th & 20th! It’s a brand new tour… going virtual this year… and then in-person next year & onward. I will be one of the Invited Guest Artists with my friend Cory McCrory in Sandwich, Illinois. It’s exciting to be part of this tour from the very beginning… and I’m sure there will be a lot of fun information & pottery coming your way soon!!!

Be sure to check it out… @northernilpotterytour on Instagram
or for more info!

Categories: food, holiday, platters, pottery, stamped

You know how I love to celebrate a good holiday… especially when it’s NATIONAL APPLE PIE DAY! I mean, it would be “rude” to not participate, right? Even if it’s just with a mini-pie?… although I kinda wish I had three of these?!

Categories: classes, porcelain, pottery, process, sgraffito, tools

Tonight in my SURFACE DECORATION pottery class, we’re tackling a little sgraffito!!! I’ve got a couple surprises ready for them… and sharing my collection of DiamondCore Carving Tools for them to play with!!!